View Full Version : Well and truly fed up :(

12-21-2010, 10:41 AM
hi all,
Im 23 years of age and in good health! thats what i should be telling myself grrrr i get so angry with myself, ive suffered from anxiety now for roughly 5 months and its the hardest thing ive ever had to deal with. Ive had loadsa symptoms... shortness of breath (terrified the life out of me), lump feeling in my throat, vomiting, panic attacks, the feeling that im dying ( always feel that im dying of some dreaded terminal illness) the list goes on...
It started cuz i had a miscarraige, i was convinced i had throat and lung cancer still cant get the feeling ive got lung cancer out of my head i just wanna scream.
For the last 2 weeks now ive not had ne symptoms now ive got this dreaded winter flu and found out ive gt a chest infection so you can guess wot my anxiety has now come back just in time for xmas, docs have told me not to even think bout lung cancer at my age i literally went to see about 20 docs day and nite in the first 3 weeks of when my anxiety started to be told i wasnt dying, i just want to belive them. Why wen you have anxiety is it s hard to belive people, please help me you lot are the only people i can talk to about this as i swear my partner thinks im crazy xxx

12-21-2010, 10:28 PM

I just wanted to let you know you're not crazy. I can't really say anything to make you feel better because I am still struggling with my own anxiety. The best advice anyone has given me is to remember that I will not die. Even though it feels like you may die, you will not. So when you start to panic, you need to remind yourself that you won't actually die. You will feel like shit, and this may not even help but it's a good thing to know.

Good luck with it.

12-31-2010, 03:04 PM