View Full Version : Anxiety disorder is magnified now that I'm engaged?

12-15-2010, 11:32 AM
I've struggled with anxiety for a few years now. In August my fiance and I were engaged, and while there have been wonderful parts of it I have also seen my worry/anxiety skyrocket.

In general, I get anxious about making the "right" decisions in life and getting approval from my family, etc. Obviously who you marry is one of the biggest decisions you make in your LIFE so I stress about that a lot. Yes I'm in therapy about it but I haven't taken medication. I'm just wary of being on drugs all the time.

My question is, for those of you with anxiety, what was your engagement period like? Was getting married more stressful for you? How did you deal?

I know it's normal to have wedding jitters, but I feel like this issue makes it so much worse.