View Full Version : CBT/TEA forms work for anxieties

12-14-2010, 04:43 PM
I resisted giving CBT and the TEA form exercise a try for over a year. I had to hit bottom before I was willing to give them a try and much to my amazement they have changed my life to where every day is looked at with wonder and joy instead of dread and something to be survived. Are all my days wonderful now? NO, but even when I have a bad day it does not linger in me ruining more days or weeks like they used to. I highly recommend joining a CBT group or reading the book by Sam Obitz we used in my group (www.tao3.com (http://www.tao3.com)) and start doing the TEA forms for ten or fifteen minutes a day. If you stick with them I am pretty sure you will feel completely different a few months from now :agree:

01-23-2011, 09:14 PM
I resisted giving CBT and the TEA form exercise a try for over a year. I had to hit bottom before I was willing to give them a try and much to my amazement they have changed my life to where every day is looked at with wonder and joy instead of dread and something to be survived. Are all my days wonderful now? NO, but even when I have a bad day it does not linger in me ruining more days or weeks like they used to. I highly recommend joining a CBT group or reading the book by Sam Obitz we used in my group (www.tao3.com (http://www.tao3.com)) and start doing the TEA forms for ten or fifteen minutes a day. If you stick with them I am pretty sure you will feel completely different a few months from now :agree:

Super post Tmays and I wholeheartedly agree. They have changed my life and I'm never going back to the way i was before if I can help it! That's why I still use the TEA forms to this day.

Itz Omi
01-25-2011, 01:53 PM
Hm? Can you tell me a bit what the TEA is about?? Thanks!!

01-28-2011, 10:12 PM
Hi Itz,

The TEA form is a thought countering exercise that helps retrain your brain to eliminate anxiety. The T stands for the inaccurate thoughts that cause anxiety, the E stands for the common thinking errors contained in the thought and the A stands for Analysis where you write an objective response to the original thought. It may sound simplistic but they work amazingly well if you use them. Let me know if you have any other questions?

02-03-2011, 10:49 PM
Feel free to ask more questions if my answer was not clear enough or what you were looking for Itz :)

Itz Omi
02-04-2011, 07:55 PM
Thanks for the explanation!! Is there a particular website you would recommend about it? One that gets to the point? Thanks!! :)

02-05-2011, 09:56 PM
YW. I learned them in the book by Sam Obitz that I mentioned above. You may want to check it out at your library to see what they look like and it has good examples in it. I can't remember if they show them on the book's website but you can look there too www.tao3.com

Hope that helps. Let me know if it doesn't or you have other questions :)

Itz Omi
02-06-2011, 02:13 PM
Thanks, BG. I was hoping to check out a website for free rather than buy a book (that link is an ad to buy the book) but I will do a search. Thanks so much!

02-08-2011, 05:24 PM
I knew it was a link to the book's website but I thought they might have an example of the TEA forms on it for free also.... Your local library probably has the book or can get it from another library so you may want to try that route.

03-04-2011, 06:10 PM
Hi forwells and thanks for the link :)

03-05-2011, 12:15 PM
I had severe OCD (washing my hands 40x a day, 1-3 panic attacks everyday) for two years before I even considered therapy, and once I began therapy, the therapist started me on CBT right away and the results were quite amazing. For financial reasons I have not been able to go back for almost two years and I'm getting close to the severe range again, but I keep trying to remember how the CBT worked to try and utilize it on my own. I never heard about TEA is that the same thing? I mean, I do drink tea... ;)

03-16-2011, 07:46 PM
Hi Sky,
Ther TEA form exercise is a CBT thought countering exercise. They work really well if you use them regularly :)
LOL on the drink tea comment!

03-16-2011, 10:40 PM
I had severe OCD (washing my hands 40x a day, 1-3 panic attacks everyday) for two years before I even considered therapy, and once I began therapy, the therapist started me on CBT right away and the results were quite amazing. For financial reasons I have not been able to go back for almost two years and I'm getting close to the severe range again, but I keep trying to remember how the CBT worked to try and utilize it on my own. I never heard about TEA is that the same thing? I mean, I do drink tea... ;)

The thing about CBT is that there are a few different types of therapies that fall under the the name of 'CBT'. Given this fact, you might have never used a TEA form (and, since you don't remember what it is, I'm guessing you didn't). TEA stands for 'thought error analysis'. And the point of a TEA form is to write down distroted negative thoughts, formulate a more realistic thought, and learn to replace that negative thought with the more positive thought by repetition. I'm guessing that you probably never used TEA forms because your primary problem is OCD. TEA forms are most useful for people who are phobic and/or worriers. They are MUCH less useful for OCD, and can even be counterproductive (since, for an obsessive person, the very use of TEA forms can become an obsession). Because of this, most therapists (who know what they are doing) resort to other treatments, such as ACT (acceptance) and ERT (exposure) for problems with obsessive thoughts. However, both ACT and ERT are frequently considered to be merely a type of CBT even though they are not traditional, TEA-based CBT.

03-28-2011, 07:52 PM
Valid points Robbed. One simple exercise that helps with ocd as well is wearing a thick rubberband around your wrist wand snapping yourself with it when you start to obsess. Another exercise that helps with OCD is letting yourself flood with obsessive thoughts and resisting to act on them for a period of time (minutes at first) and gradually lengthening the time on future exposures. Ex: I forgot to lock my car... Resist the temptation to go back and check for a few minutes and let the thoughts come. Resist for a longer period each successive time. I actually was instructed to do TEA forms on the thoughts during the exposures while I was waiting to go back and check and when used in this manner they do help a lot. :)
Often just a few of these types of exposures can produce dramatic improvement.

04-16-2011, 12:32 PM
Finally found my way back here. I like the new look.
How's everyone doing? I'm hangin in there chillin and doin my tea forms still most days.

04-16-2011, 10:41 PM
the link for the workbooks thing didn't work for me. I clicked workbooks on the right hand side but it just simply reloaded the same page. I did not see "headings" and "subheadings" anywhere

I looked at my local libraries online catalogue and they do not carry Been There, Done That. they don't carry anything by an author named Sam Obitz

how unfortunate for me. I like the claim on http://www.tao3.com/ that "The tools outlined in this book have been proven to alleviate even the most severe anxiety in less than 12-weeks."

05-06-2011, 07:24 PM

Ask your library to see if they can get the Obitz book on loan from another library. They commonly do this for their patrons. You can even request that they add a book to their inventory. I have requested a book not in my local library system before and they said I could submit a written request that they acquire a copy and they did :)

05-16-2011, 01:12 PM
I resisted giving CBT and the TEA form exercise a try for over a year. I had to hit bottom before I was willing to give them a try and much to my amazement they have changed my life to where every day is looked at with wonder and joy instead of dread and something to be survived. Are all my days wonderful now? NO, but even when I have a bad day it does not linger in me ruining more days or weeks like they used to. I highly recommend joining a CBT group or reading the book by Sam Obitz we used in my group (www.tao3.com (http://www.tao3.com)) and start doing the TEA forms for ten or fifteen minutes a day. If you stick with them I am pretty sure you will feel completely different a few months from now :agree:

Great post Tmays! I only spend a few minutes several times a week on my TEA forms now and I am still deriving great benefit from them as they are now my automatic way of thinking :)

05-18-2011, 07:24 PM
Thx Squirt :)
Beach that is a great suggestion about requesting your local library acquire a copy. I'm going to do that next time my library does not have a book I want to read (which happens a lot)!

06-06-2011, 12:03 PM
I resisted giving CBT and the TEA form exercise a try for over a year. I had to hit bottom before I was willing to give them a try and much to my amazement they have changed my life to where every day is looked at with wonder and joy instead of dread and something to be survived. Are all my days wonderful now? NO, but even when I have a bad day it does not linger in me ruining more days or weeks like they used to. I highly recommend joining a CBT group or reading the book by Sam Obitz we used in my group (www.tao3.com (http://www.tao3.com)) and start doing the TEA forms for ten or fifteen minutes a day. If you stick with them I am pretty sure you will feel completely different a few months from now :agree:

Great post. Way more detailed than what I just posted so thanks for putting what I was trying to say about TEA forms effectiveness into better wording :)

07-24-2011, 01:48 PM
No prob and thanks for the compliment on my wording :)

08-23-2011, 08:02 PM
That was an informative and well written post Tmays :) Great job, I think it will help a lot of people too!

08-24-2011, 03:43 AM
would you recommend buyin this book?

08-24-2011, 12:51 PM
would you recommend buyin this book?

I definitely would if you are ready to dedicate yourself to doing the exercises for a few minutes EVERY day. The books great but you have to do the exercises everyday if you want them to work.

08-27-2011, 08:35 PM
would you recommend buyin this book?

Without reservation I would if you follow the advice that trackstar just gave you :)
Let me know if you have any other cbt/tea form questions?

08-28-2011, 05:40 AM
i am definetly going to give it a shot, willing to try anything. this may sound stupid because anxiety is so varied and hard ton pinpoint but what type of anxiety would say it helps / what symptoms? personally my own worst symptoms i would say are random chest pains / muscle pains and palpitations when in i am slightly uneasy / under the weather. thanks

09-04-2011, 08:32 PM
Hi Plumb,

The way it works is that it interrupts the anxiety cycle of thoughts and that's what eliminates the physical symptoms. Think of it this way... If you get a pain in your chest and think 'I'm having a heart attack' that causes anxiety and increases your focus on your symptoms making them worse and worse, kind of a vicious circle. But if you get a pain in your chest and think 'I must have eaten something that gave me indigestion or heartburn' you are not likely to get filled with anxiety. I hope that makes sense?
It takes time to retrain your brain to prevent the anxiety but these exercises teach you how and if you do them daily you will start to feel some relief in a month or two.

Good luck and feel free to ask any other questions you have :)

09-05-2011, 09:09 AM
I've been doing the TEA forms from Sam Obtiz's book for about a week now. I do them when I feel anxiety come on and they, coupled with some breathing exercises, has already helped tremendously. Should I do them every day though even if I'm not experiencing anxiety, or is it just an as-needed thing? (I lent my book to a friend so I can't go back to check).

09-06-2011, 07:31 PM
I've been doing the TEA forms from Sam Obtiz's book for about a week now. I do them when I feel anxiety come on and they, coupled with some breathing exercises, has already helped tremendously. Should I do them every day though even if I'm not experiencing anxiety, or is it just an as-needed thing? (I lent my book to a friend so I can't go back to check).

Hi Taylor,
That's a great start but it is very important to do them every single day, even if you are writing the same thoughts and the same counter thoughts. It can seem tedious at times but it really does slowly change your brain to think in a less anxiety producing way.
I have been doing them for years and now I have found that spending a few minutes on them first thing in the morning works best for me. It gets me out of what I call my dread mode and sets the tone for my day. Best of all I hardly ever get so worked up that I need to do them in situations that come up anymore :)

Keep up the good work and remember the key to lasting relief is to stick with them once you start to feel great. Most people start to feel great three to four months into doing them regularly, but many make the mistake of thinking they are 'cured' and stop doing them and slowly slide back again. It took years to learn to think improperly and cause the anxiety so you can't expect those old patterns to quit trying to come back so you gotta stay ahead of them and really ingrain the new ways of thinking :)

Let me know if you have other questions?

09-06-2011, 10:04 PM
Quick Question...I went to the website offered in an earlier post to buy the Sam Orbitz book. It was $12.95 on there. I then went to Amazon to see if I could get it cheaper and it shows it being between $70 and $20. Is there more than one book? I just want to make sure I'm getting the right one. What is the title? I'm doing CBT but my therapist has never discussed TEA. We do something called ABC but it seems a bit different and I want to give the TEA a try :)

09-07-2011, 10:10 AM
Quick Question...I went to the website offered in an earlier post to buy the Sam Orbitz book. It was $12.95 on there. I then went to Amazon to see if I could get it cheaper and it shows it being between $70 and $20. Is there more than one book? I just want to make sure I'm getting the right one. What is the title? I'm doing CBT but my therapist has never discussed TEA. We do something called ABC but it seems a bit different and I want to give the TEA a try :)

leighs, you need to buy it from tao3.com. They are only offering it through their site now, which is why it is so much higher on Amazon--it makes it seem like its out of print everywhere else!

Take care, I think the book is great, I've been using the techniques for a week and they really help me..


09-07-2011, 11:16 AM
Great! Thank you :)

09-25-2011, 12:00 PM
I've been doing the TEA forms from Sam Obtiz's book for about a week now. I do them when I feel anxiety come on and they, coupled with some breathing exercises, has already helped tremendously. Should I do them every day though even if I'm not experiencing anxiety, or is it just an as-needed thing? (I lent my book to a friend so I can't go back to check).

That's awesome taylor!!! The more you use the TEA forms the more benefit you will receive if your experience is like mine :) Keep up the great work!

09-25-2011, 12:02 PM
Quick Question...I went to the website offered in an earlier post to buy the Sam Orbitz book. It was $12.95 on there. I then went to Amazon to see if I could get it cheaper and it shows it being between $70 and $20. Is there more than one book? I just want to make sure I'm getting the right one. What is the title? I'm doing CBT but my therapist has never discussed TEA. We do something called ABC but it seems a bit different and I want to give the TEA a try :)

Hi Leighs,
The title is : Been there, Done that? DO This! It's a small easy book and you definitely don't need to pay $70.00 for it. Like Taylor said you can get a new copy for about $15 or $20 delivered to your home through the book's website www.tao3.com

10-26-2011, 06:12 PM
leighs, you need to buy it from tao3.com. They are only offering it through their site now, which is why it is so much higher on Amazon--it makes it seem like its out of print everywhere else!

Take care, I think the book is great, I've been using the techniques for a week and they really help me..


Great to see more people on here having success with Obitz and the TEA forms :)
Welcome Taylor Leigh and Plumb. If any of you have any questions related to CBT and the TEA forms let me know?

10-26-2011, 06:15 PM
Hi Leighs,
The title is : Been there, Done that? DO This! It's a small easy book and you definitely don't need to pay $70.00 for it. Like Taylor said you can get a new copy for about $15 or $20 delivered to your home through the book's website www.tao3.com

Thanks for posting the link Tmays as amazon's pricing is ridiculous. Great book, but a much better book under $20 than for $70!!!!

12-05-2011, 05:31 PM
Hey everybody, how's it going? Is everyone ready for the holidays? I am ahead of my usual pace but still have a lot of shopping left to do, but I like shopping so not too stressful :)

01-09-2012, 03:45 PM
Happy New Year everybody! I am doing great and still using the TEA forms as part of my daily routine.

Hope you all are doing great!

01-21-2012, 01:12 PM
Happy New Year everybody! I am doing great and still using the TEA forms as part of my daily routine.

Hope you all are doing great!

Back at you and of course I am still using my TEA forms :)

02-03-2012, 04:05 PM
Back at you and of course I am still using my TEA forms :)

Ditto and keep up the good work and spirits too :)

02-06-2012, 01:42 PM
Back at you and of course I am still using my TEA forms :)

Great to hear and great job!

02-12-2012, 09:33 PM
Great to hear and great job!

Good to see you posting again Trackstar :)

03-06-2012, 12:46 PM
Back at you and of course I am still using my TEA forms :)

Ditto from me to all of you as well :)

03-17-2012, 10:19 PM
Good to see you posting again Trackstar :)

Thx good to be back. How are you?

04-14-2012, 03:35 PM
Welcome back trackstar, how's it goin?

04-15-2012, 01:55 AM
This looks VERY interesting. Looks like a great exercise to promote the types of thought I have been working on. But I have a few questions. May buy the book but am wondering if I can do this without it.

Is this a good explanation of how to do them

dailystrength<DOT ORG><backslash>groups<backslash>anxiety<dash>and<dash>positive<dash>thinking<dash>and<dash>choices<backslash>news<backslash>view<backslash>1478155

Can't post links yet, so just replace the stuff in < > with the appropriate character. Or it should be the first result when googling anxiety "TEA forms"

And I'm a bit confused about the exact setup. I feel like I could spend maybe 20 minutes and cover all the bad thoughts, explanations etc. So how do you repeat it every day? Do you kind of approach the same thoughts each day and reflect on if your responses should change? Is it repetitive in the sense that you often write the same thing?

05-08-2012, 01:35 PM
Welcome back trackstar, how's it goin?

Thanks. Doing great, you?

05-08-2012, 01:39 PM
And I'm a bit confused about the exact setup. I feel like I could spend maybe 20 minutes and cover all the bad thoughts, explanations etc. So how do you repeat it every day? Do you kind of approach the same thoughts each day and reflect on if your responses should change? Is it repetitive in the sense that you often write the same thing?

That link looks like they took it straight out of the Obitz book. It's a good overview of them but the examples in the book as well as the other exercises were helpful to me. Yes, a lot of the thoughts are repetitive when you start but you need to keep writing them and countering them and as you overcome them you are likely to uncover new and deeper thoughts that replace them on your road to recovery. Repetition is the key to replacing your old thinking habits with the new non anxiety causing ways of thinking.
Good luck!

05-15-2012, 04:52 PM
That link looks like they took it straight out of the Obitz book. It's a good overview of them but the examples in the book as well as the other exercises were helpful to me. Yes, a lot of the thoughts are repetitive when you start but you need to keep writing them and countering them and as you overcome them you are likely to uncover new and deeper thoughts that replace them on your road to recovery. Repetition is the key to replacing your old thinking habits with the new non anxiety causing ways of thinking.
Good luck!

I don't think I could have said it any better. Good answer!

06-14-2012, 02:59 PM
That link looks like they took it straight out of the Obitz book. It's a good overview of them but the examples in the book as well as the other exercises were helpful to me. Yes, a lot of the thoughts are repetitive when you start but you need to keep writing them and countering them and as you overcome them you are likely to uncover new and deeper thoughts that replace them on your road to recovery. Repetition is the key to replacing your old thinking habits with the new non anxiety causing ways of thinking.
Good luck!

Doing great thanks for asking. Nice advice in your post above. I hated how repetitive my thoughts were when i started but eventually they got deeper and more varied. The key was restructuring all of them to be more objective.

06-14-2012, 06:55 PM
I need to get back on TEA forms. I did them once after reading the book. Was definitely interesting, but medication kicked in and it wasn't a priority. Now I'm getting slight anxiety and realize I need to do some real work on it.

06-24-2012, 12:13 AM
I need to get back on TEA forms. I did them once after reading the book. Was definitely interesting, but medication kicked in and it wasn't a priority. Now I'm getting slight anxiety and realize I need to do some real work on it.

This is a common problem with meds :( You start feeling a little better and you lose the motivation to change the bad thinking habits that are at the root of your anxiety. I think a lot of us have fallen into this trap (human nature?). The good thing is you realize that there's work to be done if you want lasting relief and can start down that path as soon as you are motivated to do so. I'm pretty sure you'll be glad you took that path when you are ready too :)

07-12-2012, 03:14 PM
This is a common problem with meds :( You start feeling a little better and you lose the motivation to change the bad thinking habits that are at the root of your anxiety. I think a lot of us have fallen into this trap (human nature?). The good thing is you realize that there's work to be done if you want lasting relief and can start down that path as soon as you are motivated to do so. I'm pretty sure you'll be glad you took that path when you are ready too :)

bhamlaxy- I just want to back up what beachgirl said above. I hope you have been able to make the TEA forms part of your daily routine because that's the way I get the most out of them.

07-21-2012, 10:05 PM
bhamlaxy- I just want to back up what beachgirl said above. I hope you have been able to make the TEA forms part of your daily routine because that's the way I get the most out of them.

Thx Tmays.

I hope you are back doing your TEA forms again bhamlaxy? Let me know if I can help?

07-29-2012, 12:44 AM
I need to get back on TEA forms. I did them once after reading the book. Was definitely interesting, but medication kicked in and it wasn't a priority. Now I'm getting slight anxiety and realize I need to do some real work on it.

Just want to add my two cents in echoing what others here have already advised above. If you want to get off of meds for good you have do exercises like the TEA form to help restructure the way you think and react to things.

07-29-2012, 04:37 AM
I've used a lot of techniques for countering thoughts but there are just so many thoughts and feelings I am constantly having to try to address that it just feels hopeless! I have reams of paper and files that are the same sorts of feelings being rationally countered and addressed, but they just pop up again. Its Becoming increasingly difficult to identify any thought specifically that might be making me feel anxious or sad. Now that I am unemployed though I'll have the time to try to write things down more again and do exercises, so I'll give these a go.

07-29-2012, 10:38 AM
MoodGym.AU is another CBT related site which is free


jon mike
07-29-2012, 03:40 PM
I suffered stupidly for 15 years with terrible general anxiety problems, obsessiveness, breathing fears, depression (due to anxiety) agrophobia, crazy crazy crazy thoughts, constant for years!
Went to see my doctor who got me CBT therapy, once a week for 12 weeks and I was fixed! Cannot recommend it enough. People seem to avoid it thinking that it sounds to simple for them but it works!

07-30-2012, 12:03 AM
I suffered stupidly for 15 years with terrible general anxiety problems, obsessiveness, breathing fears, depression (due to anxiety) agrophobia, crazy crazy crazy thoughts, constant for years!
Went to see my doctor who got me CBT therapy, once a week for 12 weeks and I was fixed! Cannot recommend it enough. People seem to avoid it thinking that it sounds to simple for them but it works!

Other than the agoraphobia very similar to what I experienced prior to CBT helping me turn my life around. We are on the same page as far as not being able to say enough about it. I think the reason people think it's too simple to work for them is because that is part of having anxiety and depression- thinking you are different and nothing will work for you. I know that was my initial reaction to CBT, but boy was I wrong! Keep spreading the word about CBT :)

07-30-2012, 12:06 AM
I've used a lot of techniques for countering thoughts but there are just so many thoughts and feelings I am constantly having to try to address that it just feels hopeless! I have reams of paper and files that are the same sorts of feelings being rationally countered and addressed, but they just pop up again. Its Becoming increasingly difficult to identify any thought specifically that might be making me feel anxious or sad. Now that I am unemployed though I'll have the time to try to write things down more again and do exercises, so I'll give these a go.

I think, or at least in my case, it is important to make thought countering part of your daily routine. Eventually it becomes a new habitual way of thinking and keeps most anxiety from causing you problems.

08-25-2012, 06:52 AM
I suffered stupidly for 15 years with terrible general anxiety problems, obsessiveness, breathing fears, depression (due to anxiety) agrophobia, crazy crazy crazy thoughts, constant for years!
Went to see my doctor who got me CBT therapy, once a week for 12 weeks and I was fixed! Cannot recommend it enough. People seem to avoid it thinking that it sounds to simple for them but it works!

Well put jon mike. I hope you keep posting and encouraging others on here because so many are resistant and assume it is too simple to work for them. I have had a similar experience with CBT and can't recommend it enough either. I still counter my thoughts almost daily in the TEA forms to stay on top of things and have not had an anxiety attack in years!

10-04-2012, 04:53 PM
No new replies? Where is everyone?
I hope all are doing good and that's why so few new posts :)

10-11-2012, 03:44 PM
Hey Beachgirl,

I'm back and have been doing great. How is everything with you? I'm only doing my TEA forms during the work week now and taking the weekends off and still feeling just as good :)

10-15-2012, 06:09 PM
That's great Tmays. Keep up the good work and I am glad it is working for you :)

10-29-2012, 02:48 PM
Hey everybody, I'm doing fine and going to be a priest for Halloween party I'm going to.... Anyone else dressing up?

11-26-2012, 04:22 PM
Hey everybody, I'm doing fine and going to be a priest for Halloween party I'm going to.... Anyone else dressing up?

Sounds like a ploy to get innocent girls to confess their inner most secrets to you :)
How did it work out for you? I didn't dress up or anything but I did have a nice Thanksgiving!

01-11-2013, 12:39 PM
Beach you are on to my ploy.... It worked like a charm!!!
Hope your holidays went well and your new year is off to a good start!

02-08-2013, 07:17 PM
Beach you are on to my ploy.... It worked like a charm!!!
Hope your holidays went well and your new year is off to a good start!

I knew it. I hope you did not take advantage of too many nice girls! Are you a dad now lol ;)
Holidays were hectic but good thanks and so far so good this year. How about you?

02-10-2013, 09:41 PM
I knew it. I hope you did not take advantage of too many nice girls! Are you a dad now lol ;)
Holidays were hectic but good thanks and so far so good this year. How about you?

You can't take advantage of the willing ;)
No not a dad, very funny... Doing great but way to busy, wish I had more time to check in here, but happy I got a notification from you to roust me out of my slumber.
Stay on top of your anxieties and keep in touch!

05-31-2013, 12:46 PM
Hey where is everyone? Love to hear some updates on how everyone is doing?

06-09-2013, 03:09 PM
Hey where is everyone? Love to hear some updates on how everyone is doing?

I'm here and I'm great. I can honestly say I am the happiest and most content I have been since I was a young child :)
How are you?

08-02-2013, 01:46 PM
Hey where is everyone? Love to hear some updates on how everyone is doing?

I'm here and doing great! Hope everyone else is enjoying their summer too :)

08-21-2013, 04:45 PM
Awesome to hear Beach! I wish summer didn't go by so quickly this year though :(

09-04-2013, 05:52 PM
Awesome to hear Beach! I wish summer didn't go by so quickly this year though :(

Funny, I literally just posted that comment about summer to you on another thread less than a minute ago. I'm not joking!

09-06-2013, 04:24 PM
Happy to hear everyone is still thriving and selfishly even happier to report that i am too ;)

10-11-2013, 05:41 PM
Where is everyone? I hope you are all doing great!

10-27-2013, 02:19 PM
Where is everyone? I hope you are all doing great!

I'm back and doing great. Good to see a familiar friend posting. How's life treating you?

11-15-2013, 08:15 PM
I'm back and doing great. Good to see a familiar friend posting. How's life treating you?

Good to hear that you are doing great. I can't complain either :)

11-27-2013, 01:30 PM
Good to see you guys are posting again :)
Happy Thanksgiving!

01-28-2014, 08:40 PM
Now if we just stop missing each others threads? I never got a notification of your reply here, sorry! Apparently the same has happened to you?
Anyway, Happy new year!

05-15-2014, 04:05 PM
Just replied to another note of yours. Sorry you arer not getting your notifications (check your spam file) I am getting them just been busy etc. SORRY!

06-14-2014, 10:34 AM
Thx. I checked my spam file but it deletes automatically so if they were there they were probably deleted before I went and checked. Always good to hear from you :)

06-15-2014, 04:43 AM
This sounds really good. It reminds me of the auto-pilot system in the book 'The Chimp Paradox' (highly recommended, btw). You need to replace learned 'truths' with new 'truths' so that stress and anxiety don't trigger. Here's one of mine, for example:

Original bad 'truth': You can tempt fate by thinking about something happening, eg., 'Maybe a loved one will get hurt if they go out in the evening'. (When this happens I chide myself for thinking about it, and then proceed to worry that it might now happen. My rational mind knows it's not true, it's just superstition, but somewhere in childhood I must have learnt that you don't say or think certain things so as not to tempt fate.)

Auto-pilot: My thoughts are not powerful or dangerous. They don't control the universe. You can't make something happen by thinking about it. It is simply not possible. No one ever got hurt because of someone thinking it would happen.

It is VERY hard to replace your old 'truth' with the new one, because many of these beliefs are so ingrained. However, you've got to keep practising and eventually the new belief will replace the old one. Time and patience are key.

06-16-2014, 04:39 PM
Great post snowberry. I want to check the chimp paradox out, that sounds really interesting. Is it a new book?

06-16-2014, 05:03 PM
This sounds really good. It reminds me of the auto-pilot system in the book 'The Chimp Paradox' (highly recommended, btw). You need to replace learned 'truths' with new 'truths' so that stress and anxiety don't trigger. Here's one of mine, for example:

Original bad 'truth': You can tempt fate by thinking about something happening, eg., 'Maybe a loved one will get hurt if they go out in the evening'. (When this happens I chide myself for thinking about it, and then proceed to worry that it might now happen. My rational mind knows it's not true, it's just superstition, but somewhere in childhood I must have learnt that you don't say or think certain things so as not to tempt fate.)

Auto-pilot: My thoughts are not powerful or dangerous. They don't control the universe. You can't make something happen by thinking about it. It is simply not possible. No one ever got hurt because of someone thinking it would happen.

It is VERY hard to replace your old 'truth' with the new one, because many of these beliefs are so ingrained. However, you've got to keep practising and eventually the new belief will replace the old one. Time and patience are key.

What i have bolded or underlined is simply not true, and if its clear beliefs you are after, then you must accept that your thoughts have validity. What you do not understand at this point, that does not change things one wit, is that your thoughts set the conditions for attraction. Now you cannot make a cup of milk appear by thought alone, but thought is the catalyst of the human creative endeavor, you think about it, sifting through your beliefs about milk, and if you are favorable, you set the body in motion to get it.

Those with cancer, and other so called diseases have consuming thoughts for a long period, where once it was just fearful, the belief then took over and it became chronic. Now just as many of you would deny thoughts years prior to manifesting anxiety symptoms, simply because you dont moniter your thoughts, you let them free reign and dont question when they are destructive. But that changes again, nothing, for it has taken many years of unhealthy though to give yourself what you have attracted, cancer, anxiety, a split marriage, loss of job, the first step in any healing is to take responsibility. You create your own reality, through very clear and definitive processes including the electro magnetic attracting power of thought. It is true that the electron spin of the atom is influenced by thought patterns. And for those of you scientifically inclined, the electron moment, as its termed, translates to how you perceive time in a linear fashion, for elecrons are freewheeling by nature, they could spin backwards.

If you are looking to change beliefs, you must make the attempt in the light of knowing, of clarity and responsibility or you will replace a faulty one with another of the same. You do not know of your hand in creation, you are blind to who you are and your power. You have forgotten your connection with nature, as you personify a mother figure outside yourselves to take care of it for you, or blame it should it rain. You forgotnthat your thoughts manipulate the atmosphere and have a hand in the worlds climate, especially your own.

If you are going to be clear with your ego, then allow it the freedom of new beliefs without boundries or they will be false and the ego will be just as fearful, all the work for naught.

Thats all for this forum, for those with ears to hear.

06-16-2014, 05:20 PM
What i have bolded or underlined is simply not true, and if its clear beliefs you are after, then you must accept that your thoughts have validity. What you do not understand at this point, that does not change things one wit, is that your thoughts set the conditions for attraction. Now you cannot make a cup of milk appear by thought alone, but thought is the catalyst of the human creative endeavor, you think about it, sifting through your beliefs about milk, and if you are favorable, you set the body in motion to get it. Those with cancer, and other so called diseases have consuming thoughts for a long period, where once it was just fearful, the belief then took over and it became chronic. Now just as many of you would deny thoughts years prior to manifesting anxiety symptoms, simply because you dont moniter your thoughts, you let them free reign and dont question when they are destructive. But that changes again, nothing, for it has taken many years of unhealthy though to give yourself what you have attracted, cancer, anxiety, a split marriage, loss of job, the first step in any healing is to take responsibility. You create your own reality, through definitive methods including thought. If you are looking to change beliefs, you must make the attempt in the light of knowing, of clarity and responsibility or you will replace a faulty one with another of the same. You do not know of your hand in creation, you are blind to who you are and your power. You have forgotten your connection with nature, as you personify a mother figure outside yourselves to take care of it for you, or blame it should it rain. You forgotnthat your thoughts manipulate the atmosphere and have a hand in the worlds climate, especially your own. If you are going to be clear with your ego, then allow it the freedom of new beliefs without boundries or they will be false and the ego will be just as fearful, all the work for naught. Thats all for this forum, for those with ears to hear! And should there be grammatical errors here so be it, it is what it is

I'm somewhat lost here "I'm Suffering"

Is this meant to emulate some kind of "law of attraction" type of ideology?

It almost reads as if you are saying by worrying someone will get cancer, that they get cancer?

This would then work in the opposite direction? Someone strongly denies they will get heart disease, therefore they don't?

Am I wrong in my interpretation of what you are suggesting here?

06-16-2014, 05:36 PM
I'm somewhat lost here "I'm Suffering"

Is this meant to emulate some kind of "law of attraction" type of ideology?

It almost reads as if you are saying by worrying someone will get cancer, that they get cancer?

This would then work in the opposite direction? Someone strongly denies they will get heart disease, therefore they don't?

Am I wrong in my interpretation of what you are suggesting here?

Not to be picky but please replywith the full quote as i added a bit for the physicist. Plus it was seperated into paragraphs for easy reading.

The law of attraction as a rule is true, but i will add that, from your terms above, anything you strongly deny you attract, therefor you get what you want and what you dont. Should you remain neutral, you see, that shall pass unscathed. So the key is to not deny your thought validity by vehemently protesting against it, for it shall come to pass. Attraction cannot tell the difference you see, your God on one hand is not selective then. You get what you desire, even if you desire to not want it.

Now your beliefs ofcourse speak to the emotional climate in your body, creating the atmosphere of emotions and feelings that you could then feel, to see if your thinking is aright, do you feel good, you see? Or badly. Should you change your beliefs, or have a change of heart, then the strong protest would not exist, you would not receive whats undesirable, and you would focus on creating in your best interests.

In relation to cancer, your thoughts act upon the cellular structure, who innately try to counter destructive thinking, in a way your atoms, cells have a zest for life, and no beliefs whatsoever in the human term ill health. However, ones repressed emotions, may serve as impetus for the cells to gather in what you call tumors, period. For even then, the cells recognise it as a natural expression of what you couldnt, so to speak. And since death is an illusion, they are not scared of losing the form, you see. In certain terms, you are meant to express yourself, not hold it inside.

You get what you expect, no exceptions. That is all. Unedited for grammar here.

06-16-2014, 05:47 PM
I'm assuming you are qualified in some version of spiritual healing, rather than any conventional discipline?

To my knowledge the topic of thought mutated genes, doesn't appear in any credible medical/psychiatric journal.

06-16-2014, 05:51 PM
I'm assuming you are qualified in some version of spiritual healing, rather than any conventional discipline?

To my knowledge the topic of thought mutated genes, doesn't appear in any credible medical/psychiatric journal.

Unfortunately you cannot measure thought or things spiritual with earth instruments, like a ruler ! You would need instruments native to the given reality. So in a sense these things are hidden from you, for you are meant to work with what you have, period. It is true that if the patient has no change of heart, all a doctor can do with his scalpel is remove one organ after the next, he cannot order a belief transplant, and so the medical field believes in ill health as a foundation for its work.

However you are meant to see clearly and that does mean playing with beliefs until you do, that it thy purpose, and in so doing you can atleast correlate your creations with your minds abilities.

06-16-2014, 05:58 PM
Unfortunately you cannot measure thought or things spiritual with earth instruments, like a ruler ! You would need instruments native to the given reality.

Which means you have absolutely not a shred of evidence to support what you are saying.

Take for example the presumptions you have been making on several threads about vulnerable people, their condition and history (of people you have never met, and know absolutely nothing about).

That's not really on now is it!

06-16-2014, 06:07 PM
Which means you have absolutely not a shred of evidence to support what you are saying.

Take for example the presumptions you have been making on several threads about vulnerable people, their condition and history (of people you have never met, and know absolutely nothing about).

That's not really on now is it!

We are correct in all of them. Should they follow the advice, they could heal. You not believing does not change the truth one wit, and only serves to delay your own progress.

That is all I will say in this thread. I am an intuitive yes, and i just wanted to step in and address the original comment in regards to thought. Because i was being compelled to do so !

Fond regards

06-16-2014, 06:17 PM
We are correct in all of them. Should they follow the advice, they could heal. You not believing does not change the truth one wit, and only serves to delay your own progress. That is all I will say in this thread. I am an intuitive yes, and i just wanted to step in and address the original comment in regards to thought. Because i was being compelled to do so !

Intuition is merely assumption.

Unfortunately dictating (as you do) merely your own personal opinion based on a few lines of text, is the equivalent of giving someone a mental health horoscope.

The problem being that for every generalised opinion someone relates to (possibly even mildly accurate) there are those so off the mark, that you both upset the person posting, and make yourself less credible.

06-16-2014, 07:23 PM
I agree with 14 wholeheartedly, I am suffering you would be a nice person to talk if you could quit on being so frigging spiritual. Truly spiritual people do not talk like you do, they do not bold and underline. They have not business to convince anyone.
Intuition never took anyone far. I can say something about it, being a tarot reader for probably 25 years, and I am not the first generation. I have to ruin people intuition in order to make them think rationally and take control of their life. Sometimes it work sometimes it does not. I have a quiet group of people who started to think, they took control , stopped their fears aka intuition:) they have a life and I am happy for them

06-16-2014, 10:28 PM
I agree with 14 wholeheartedly, I am suffering you would be a nice person to talk if you could quit on being so frigging spiritual. Truly spiritual people do not talk like you do, they do not bold and underline. They have not business to convince anyone. Intuition never took anyone far. I can say something about it, being a tarot reader for probably 25 years, and I am not the first generation. I have to ruin people intuition in order to make them think rationally and take control of their life. Sometimes it work sometimes it does not. I have a quiet group of people who started to think, they took control , stopped their fears aka intuition:) they have a life and I am happy for them

Tarot card reading ? Really ? Isn't tarot card reading "spiritual"? And with your tarot card reading of 25 years.....didn't you say you tried to convince by ruining people's intuition and make them think like you think they should. ? Seems hypocritical to accuse this person of the same thing...no ? Just trying to be objective and fair.....

01-03-2015, 07:09 PM
Happy New Year everyone!