View Full Version : Frustrated

12-07-2010, 11:17 AM
Ok, so I just got back from therapy after 3 weeks of not going and all my symptoms being hieghtened these past few weeks. She says I am right where I "should' be as far as therapy is concerned. She said if she coul take a snapshot and show me the process and where I am, she would. Well, I started feeling like I couldn't breath while I was in there and just wanted to leave. I am still feeling this way. I don't know how I will get through this work day. I just don't understand any of this and I am just so frustrated. If I could just ignore my body that would be a huge step. Any suggestions for this? I can't just stop and do a youtube video or anything like that while I am at work, but I can't focus and have such a hard time at work because I am 100% intuned to every breath...every heartbeat. I know she is a therapist and all, but please, someone who really knows how it is, help me. I have never been so deperate. Thank you, guys.

12-07-2010, 02:45 PM
Remind yourself that you are okay.
You've gone through this many times before and you'll get through it again.
Don't fight it; accept it and allow yourself to be distracted.

And hang in there, because that's what we do

12-07-2010, 05:54 PM
Thank you. Yes, here I am, another day of work down and yes, I am still alive. It's pure nonsense when I really look at it, yet so bebilitating at the same time. :roll:

12-07-2010, 08:10 PM
I work in a cubacle and I'm on the computer almost the entire day. When I start to get bored my mind wonders and I start to focus on everything that is going on in my body, every heartbeat, every sensation, then i get up and walk around and i feel like im about to fall over because what i dont realize is im basically holding my breath when im thinking about all of this..i have a lot of trouble getting through the work day as well, i get up and take walks to try and ease my mind. when i get home from work i feel like im more stressed then when i went in, its taking a toll on me and i am trying to work on ignoring all this but it seems like i have a good day then bad day, so on and so forth...pm me if you wanna talk about it.


12-07-2010, 09:01 PM
Howdy Charm :D

Sorry i don't believe your therapist is correct and that you should be further along in my mind . I think she is teaching you how to live with it but not how to face it . You have been with her a while and i don't think that you should be having panic attacks still . Panic attacks are only bought on by fear of those symptoms . So what is it that you fear about then , is it that they wont go , that you are stuck with them .

You may think by what i write that i am a long way ahead of you but that is not the case i still get many of the symptoms many people do here but i have learned what they are and do not react to them with any form of fear . By doing this they pass very fast except for the sleep problems that is .

Its ok to feel Frustrated , i still do but you need to focus on how far you have come and not were you are now . I think at one stage you were pretty bad going out . Has that changed now , i am guessing because you are at work that it has . So there you go that's a step forward isn't it . I am sure there is many more . You have to learn to let go and stop pushing yourself to be better . You will be better but it will happen when your body is ready and done its job . Just as you cant fast track a broken arm you cant fast track anxiety recovery .

Ok i would like to offer a insight into your latest problem and why it has happened . This happened to me and i am sure it happens to many here .

Anxiety makes us uncomfortable , alone , scared but the two biggest thing it does is make us lose confidence and make us seek out reassurance. When we start to see a therapist or use a forum we start to use it as a way of seeking reassurance and to feel safe . But when these are taken away as in your case we start to feel alone again and also start to feel less confidence again . I believe that this has happened with you but because you have not been taught the tools to handle it , it built again back to were it was starting again . It is only when we start to stop seeking this reassurance and start putting the faith back in ourselves do we start to build confidence again and once we start then we keep that ball rolling and we are on our way to recovery . How often do you tell yourself I can handle this ?? or do you self talk telling your self that i cant handle this anymore . Well guess what you have handled it every day so now is the time to build that self confidence back up by telling yourself that you can handle it and that it will pass over time .

Ok meditation . Simply its called relaxing . Take a seat , have a bath , lay down . Do what ever you feel that makes you feel comfortable. I would put a track on my MP3 nature sound tracks . Now close your eyes and clear your mind . Yes i know its hard and your body and mind will fight it all the way . If you have problems then look at the back of your closed eyelids . Now just lay/sit there and relax . If your mind wonders then just bring it back . Some people find that they may need to focus on something in there mind . Breathe deep from your gut . Slowly in and out . Feel your gut raising . Do this for 20 minutes a day 3 times a day .

Now before you start with the rubbish about i cant do that , my body wont let me . When i was bad i would lay on the bed and feel like i was falling down a lift , my body would shake , twitch and my mind would just refuse to clear itself . I was even like this where my thoughts would never stop . I started this and pushed past it and within a month i noticed big changes . Your body needs to learn to be calm again and this is how you teach it . You want to get better then do it and don't make reasons not to . Trust me once learned you will love doing it because it feels like you are checking out into your own little world for 20 minutes .

Also as a warning you may have different feelings once you start doing this , Such thing as pin and needles , fellings of lightness etc . Do not panic they are normal .

Now at work . If you do this in the morning and at night then your body learns it and what happens is you will just have to close your eyes and take a few breathe and your body and mind will know that that is a sign that it should be relaxing . I guess it is just the same as it knows that when we close our eyes at night it is time to shut down and restore. Now one more for your information when people mediate they place their finger on there thumb for the same reason . It is to show the body that it is time to relax so when they are stressed all they need do is touch those two fingers and they will relax .

Because i used my eyelids all i have to do is close my eyes and focus on it and i can feel myself let go and relax .

Google mediation and read about it , it is something that the eastern world has used for 1000s of years but the western world is only started to believe.

cheers and hope that helps kev

Ps Charm Pray is also a form of mediation :D

PSS I know you said something about a bad past at one stage . Can i ask is your therapist dealing with this ?? or only the anxiety at hand

12-08-2010, 09:48 AM
Thanks everyone!

12-17-2010, 08:06 AM
I am on day two of a panic attack,,,, if anyone wants to talk please call me on my mobile. 973-214-0700
