View Full Version : Seroquil

12-06-2010, 09:46 AM
I know this is not the meds forum but I don't know if anyone reads that.

A friend of mine is seriously depressed but in my very uninformed opinion that is all, apart from anxiety that comes with the depression.

This weekend she drank too much and ended up in hospital, and the doctor prescribed 25mg of Seroquil per day. Not sure of the spelling.

He said it will take away the edge while she gives up the booze.

I read on the net that this stuff is used to treat psychotic and schizophrenic patients!

Um.. am I being stupid or should she not be taking this stuff? Her GP prescribed it.

Please help!


12-06-2010, 11:15 AM
Hi Z

I think this was one i was placed on . When i was really heavily addicted to benzos and try my hardest to get off them i traveled 300klms to see a doctor that was meant to be very good with mental health .

I walk into his office and he sat with folded arms behind his big desk and asked a few questions . Not one of these questions was how do you feel ? What would you like help with ?

After more or less telling me how i was feeling he said that to keep taking my benzos ( the drug that would have me rolling around the floor in mental and physical pain within 10 minutes of taking one and had done from the very first one , a drug that put me in such a anxious state that at times if i had had the will i would have ended it all .) . Along with this drug he now wanted me on a second benzos , a anti psychotic and another one .

For this bit of wise information and a whole 5 minutes of his time i was charge $110 .

I never took those drugs and i never went back . My chemist said to me that if i took that cocktail of drugs then i truly was mad. That was enough for me .

Z , i am depressed and at time badly depressed but it has become part of my life at this stage and something i am working on slowly . Your friend mostly just wants someone to talk to , someone to listen to what she has to say , someone to understand her and in all honesty this is not to be found at the bottom of a pill bottle or a booze bottle.

If you want to help her then tell her you care for her and that you are there for her when she wants to talk and you will not judge her . Try and get her to open up and let some of the things out that are worrying her . Anxiety and depression are brothers , the only difference is one is handle with fear and the other is handled with a don't give a sh%^attitude . Having had both the later is better i believe .

If she is anything like i am she is just wanting someone to help her get past what she sees as a dead end . I don't like drugs and never will . I believe they solve nothing and cause more problems than they help . I believe that a good friend to have a chat to is better than any drug they will ever make in a lab .

cheers kev :D