View Full Version : I Think I Figured Out The Source To Our Symptoms

12-04-2010, 12:26 AM
I have been researching a bit about this. I think not everyone, but I bet a lot of us are over breathing, disrupting the CO2/O2 pH levels of our blood. Do you feel you can't breathe deep enough and try and breathe deeper and deeper to get more oxygen? A type of air hunger? I do this all the time, especially a lot lately. I think there is a lot to be discovered with this. I found the Buteyko system that was developed for asthmatics to cure Hyperventilation Syndrome, but this Ukrainian scientist claims getting your breathing back on track can cure 150 of the most common diseases. On the buteyko center usa website they go into some details.

Does anyone have further information about this or methods to increase CO2 in the blood?
