View Full Version : Please help me :(

11-29-2010, 04:06 AM
Hi all
Ive been suffering from anxiety now since July this year after unfortunantly i suffered a miscarraige, a pregnancy that i was so looking forward to again after having my little boy in 2009!
When my anxiety started i had that awful shortness of breath it never really has gone its just got better i suppose im anxious most of the time from when i wake up to when i go to sleep :(, im always worried that im going to go back to the really bad time of my peak anxiety.
Anyway im always worried that i have some dreaded deseaise like cancer! i cant stop thinkin about it this all started after the miscarraige and it hasnt stopped, ive just finished my councilling and i really dont want to go back to where i was!
Ive now got headaches right at the front of my head just above my eyes and they make me feel dizzy does anyone else get this? and the shortness of breath feeling please help me you guys are the only people i can talk to because you suffer from anxiety to i swear my family and partner think im stupid but to me this feeling is so real!
Thanx x

11-29-2010, 04:31 AM
Hi rachel876,

I am very sorry to hear about your miscarriage and that you feel the way you do as a result of it.

To worry about having a disease is very common with anxiety, at the peak of mine I almost convinced myself I had cancer or heart disease until I went to the doctors and they said I was 'as fit as a fiddle'. It seems to me the reason you continue to feel anxious is a lot to do with the fact you are examining how you feel a lot (which is very common also in anxiety). When you wake up in the morning just get up and go, don't give yourself time to examine/think. So just don't see the shortness of breath as anything other than anxiety and that you are getting the correct amount of air to your lungs, probably even more so.

With the headaches and dizziness, although they are common sensations of anxiety, I wouldn't put symptoms like that straight down to anxiety as these types of symptoms are very common in colds and flu. Is it possible that you could have a cold or flu coming on? ...If it does not seem to be the case then I would absolutely say that it was anxiety causing the headaches and dizziness. If so, then just let it happen, notice it's there but just go about your day and naturally distract yourself from it.

Hope you feel better soon