View Full Version : Just a couple of quick questions about diet and illness.

11-29-2010, 03:26 AM

So firstly, what kind of foods are best for anxiety disorders? in the form of meals and snacks. I have bee eating a lot more fresh fruits and drinking a lot more water and do feel better for it. Another thing with diet, if you have a perfect anxiety diet, could this be something that clears your mind enough in order to defeat the inappropriate thoughts?

And also, the last few days I have had the flu, I knew straight away that it was a legit illness as my dad has it as well and knew that anxiety couldn't create the symptoms I was having. But on Saturday night I was SO ill and my mind responded very drastically to it, literally REALLY bad, I do not want to say what I thought but I can imagine you can guess. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night because I was having a lot what seemed like 'PURE O' type thoughts I.E. a scared face from a superhero magazine. The thoughts scared me of course and I realise now, as I did then, that it was a part of anxiety. So I guess my question is (although I think I know the answer) can illness make anxiety thoughts drastic?

Many Thanks,

11-29-2010, 05:17 AM
Hi there,

As to your question about diets, I can definitely say that it has had a huge impact on the way I feel.

Not only do you feel more healthy, which puts you in a better state of mind overall, avoiding certain foods can help manage anxiety.

I don't drink coffee or anything with cafiene in it. I smoke only moderately (and never menthol cigarettes.) Any kind of stimulant such as energade or other instant energy drinks = absolute NO NO. Too much candy is not a good idea. Basically anything that will have you bouncing off the walls should be put aside, at least until you can manage your anxiety.

I heard the other day that Brazil nuts contain Selenium which is great for stress and anxiety. Nuts are hellishly expensive here though so I bought a selenium complex multi vitamin that I take every day.

Eating healthy foods brings a certain peace of mind, which for me is the best part of it.


11-29-2010, 07:34 PM
Lots of fruits and vegetables and protein are great. Try to stay away from fast food. Bananas are great for anxiety I try to eat 4 a day. Also, stay awat from caffine and sugar as much as possible and take vitamins like super b complex, omega 3,6,9,flaxseed, magnesium, and a good multi-vitamin. Also, to help bring down you anxiety level take a deep breath through your nose and then let it out slowly through your nose. Make sure it takes you longer to let it out than you breath in. Do this for 3 to 5 minutes and listen to your breathing it really helps alot.