View Full Version : i dont think its anxiety anymore

11-28-2010, 10:10 PM
My anxiety has been horrible this past week I think i have voices in my head example ill have fragmented thoughts of conversations that just pop in my head conversations that I've had with friends and what if thoughts like what would I say if someone said this and I've also started to confuse mental self talk with "voices" its horrible and have an extremely bad fear of losing control with reality I started thinking of this video game and a what if thought popped into my head like what if I start to think that everything was going to start looking like this game and I couldn't get the image of what this game looked like out of my head it scared the crap out of me. My bizarre thoughts have been really irrational like I started thinking what if I started to think I'm a Viking and what if I start to think my dads a demon and he's trying to make me worse I really don't believe this because my dad tries to understand what's wrong with me and he really tries to help. I also had a fear that I'm going to start confusing my thoughts with someone else's I've read all these really weird stories about people that have severe mental health issues and I got scared that I was going to start talking about them like they were my experiences to my therapist and to my family I'm really scared but at the sane time I really don't know how to feel please help

11-28-2010, 10:56 PM
Howdy Boxer

So what is it that you think it is ???

Between all the questioning and what if and also the googleing that you are doing and reading stories about other people .

Is it no wonder that you are anxious . You have anxiety and you need to face it . There is nothing more there that i can see from this post and your many others to tell me that it is anything other than anxiety .

What is it that you are doing to stop your anxiety building ???

cheers kev :D

11-28-2010, 11:21 PM
Boxer, you are so completely lost in "what if's" right now that I am not suprised you feel like this is just getting worse.

Listen to Mother:

You need to get a grip on yourself. STOP googling. STOP listening to other people. Get a hold of yourself and start pulling yourself out of this hole that you are digging deeper and deeper for yourself each day. Your anxiety will NOT go away if you keep adding fuel to it.

From what I can see, same as Kev ( and I am no expert ) it's just plain old anxiety and you need to find a way to get a handle on it.

We all have weird and what if thoughts, we just choose to not dwell on those and make things worse for ourselves.

Judging from your previous posts, you are not making any progress, just looking for a reason to say SEE, I WAS RIGHT! I AM NUTS AFTER ALL!

Get it together boxer, it's the only way you will beat anxiety.


11-29-2010, 10:45 AM
To me it all sounds like Anxiety for sure. I think the fact you are searching the net for answer shows that you are not actually going 'crazy', because if you really was 'crazy' I guarantee you that the first thought you'd have wouldn't be to 'look it up'. I have been in your position, in fact, I still am a little bit. I have thoughts that scare me or send me in to utter confusion and I also have that sense of 'I don't know what or how to feel anymore', but the difference between us (at the moment) is that I am trying my hardest to not let them get the better of me, I go about my day as best as possible, which you need to do too! (Z is right!)

The thing with Anxiety is that thoughts can be very selective, it clings on to something and automatically sends that thought in to overdrive. It is your responsibility to stop the cycle. Anxiety has never made anyone go crazy, it is not capable of doing that. People that suffer from the condition of Anxiety are probably the most creative people in the world that is why are minds work in the way they do!

STOP looking things up, stick to this forum for all the reassurance you need, you are more likely to get the answer you want here than you will on www.Ihavenoidea.com (http://www.Ihavenoidea.com).

There has been times for all of us that we have thought, 'this isn't anxiety, this is some real mental illness' and I look at the positive of that and think would a genuine mentally ill person ask that kind of question? and my answer is, probably not!

Take care,

11-30-2010, 09:12 AM
Hey Boxer!!! Are you smoking pot or doing any other type of drugs. I can't help but notice you seem to Post a lot of the symptoms of anxiety your dealing with. Yet, you never respond to the reply's.

Your here basically getting the worse thing you can get. Anxiety Reassurance. Which I believe is okay at first. Part of what I call the baby steps of coping with anxiety. It's okay to get reassurance for a little while, then you have to learn to live in the rhelm of uncertainty.

I never see you reply to any of the post, maybe you have or maybe I missed one where you did. Someone on this specific thread specifically asked you what you were doing to cope with your anxiety... So far a few days later you have not responded to any of it. Makes me wonder what you trying to avoid??

If you are doing drugs (I'm not sure, just wonder) then you gotta get off of them. This is the reason for a lot of your anxiety.

11-30-2010, 10:45 AM
No I don't do drugs I didn't even want to get medication for my anxiety because the way it made me feel in the past the only thing that I do for anxiety is constant reassurance I know its bad but I can't help it o get so scared of losing my mind I don't know I feel lost and I don't know how to feel anymore

11-30-2010, 12:06 PM
Hi Boxer

Sorry mate but i will tell you something and you will not like it .

I have been were you are , Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start working on fixing the problem .

You want help come here and ask but listen to whats being said and do it and you will get better but you have to listen to people that have been there . Listening to what your anxious brain is telling you is not working so how about you try something else .

cheers kev :D

11-30-2010, 04:22 PM
yea, when you first started to reassure yourself, it was not so often, now I'm sure your needing to do it more and more often, and soon it will be even more frequent. Face the issues, stop telling yourself what your going through in life shouldn't make you feel the way you do, because it does. Then you have this new problem of anxiety, and all the fears that you constantly need reassurance from begin to be your new problem. It's quite possible that the thing that triggered this anxiety is no longer a factor in your life anymore. This might be your new problem.

You can get rid of this problem if you face the real issues, and learn not to listen to your anxiety. It feels and your brain want to think so bad that what ever your fearing at that moment is the problem but it's not. When you start wondering what else it can be, stop yourself and think about these words, and tell yourself it will pass.

The fears that you have built your gonna have to get over them like you'd get over a bad relationship, because that's what it is. An abusive relationship, and your ready to break away from it. Tell yourself as you read this, that your gonna work on ridding yourself of the necessity to find reassurance. It's gonna take some time, but you have to start going to go in the other direction on it. Gonna have to make that consious decision though. It in itself will cause more anxiety, but soon it will have no power over you.

I will help in your recovery proccess, but No more reassurance for you...