View Full Version : I Need Help -- Vision Problems

11-26-2010, 06:31 PM
I have had problems on and off with anxiety and panic before, but lately I've been worse and it's really scaring me and bothering me.

For the last week I have felt as though my vision was bothering me and that can't really focus or concentrate on anything. It was bothering me, but then a few days later I thought it got better, then one morning at work it felt worse and I had a horrible anxiety/panic attack, and ever since my vision just feels off. I have had my eyes checked in the last few months and although I do wear glasses my eye doctor said my eyes were perfectly healthy. I'm an artist, so I've always been terrified to lose my sight or have problems with my vision.

I would describe the feeling as looking at something but not being able to completely focus or concentrate on it. I'm not sure if I have an actual problem or if my anxiety just won't let me stop thinking about it, thus not being able to concentrate. My vision isn't blurry, or doubled, or cloudy, I just feel like I can't focus/concentrate/connect with what I'm looking at, watching on tv, or reading.

I'd almost prefer any anxiety symptom over this one--if it is a symptom.

Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this before?

11-26-2010, 09:02 PM
It sounds a little like derealization to me, that feeling that you are detatched and not really part of the world around you. It has nothing to do with your eyes, it is more a state of mind and it makes you feel as if you are not seeing right.

It seems like your fear of losing your sight is making you focus on this particular aspect of derealization.

I have learnt that the only way to get rid of anxiety symptoms is to tell yourself that you have been through it so often before and nothing happened - so nothing is going to happen now. I keep playing down the irrational fears until I have convinced my brain that I am being ridiculous.

Hope you feel better soon.


11-27-2010, 02:22 PM
Since you have had your eyes checked, I am sure they are fine. Take me for example. I got literally all the heart tests you can get done and was told my heart is healthy, yet I still obsess all the time that it will give out on me. That's my thought and I convince myself it is true when in reality, it really is just a thought. Soudns like you with your eyes, since you already have a fear that you will lose your sight, you dwell on it. My heart is still working :wuv: and so are your eyes :woot: . What's over working is our way of thinking. :ack:

12-06-2010, 01:36 PM
Jen; I've learned you have to trust the doctors once they okay you; we can live in that world of what if