View Full Version : noise sensitive

11-25-2010, 08:08 PM
Anyone else have this problem? I am very anxious
in my current surroundings. I am extremely *on edge* and it all has to do with the fact
that noise bothers me very much. I walk around all tense and waiting for the next *noise
disturbance* to upset me. I noticed that for about the last five years I have become more
sensitive to noise and I believe it came about after I started reading the new
age/metaphysical material and tried *quieting my mind*/ meditating. Well, soon realized
just how hard it is TO quiet my mind and started noticing just how noisy other people,
the neighbors are, how close they live to us. ( I feel claustrophobic) I started noticing
how early, how late and for how long the neighborhood dogs bark, how loud the motorcycles
and dirtbikes are, the annoyance of the early morning leaf blowers, lawn mowers, etc.
I've tried everything short of medication: guided meditations, listening to the NLP tapes
before going to sleep, deep breathing- but nothing has helped. I've been wearing ear
plugs all day long for the last 7 months and still feel anxious. This is no way to live!