View Full Version : Insomnia

11-24-2010, 03:04 PM
Hello everyone,

I was just curious as to what everyone's experiences have been with anxiety/stress related insomnia. Personally I never had any problems with sleeping my entire life until I entered one of the most stressful, anxious, and currently depressing periods of my life. The last two weeks I have struggled to get to sleep and to stay there. I was averaging about 2-3 hours a night until I was prescribed some Ambien. Now I can get around 5-6, but it is broken sleep and not very restful. I hate taking medication for this, but not sleeping has pretty much jaded me to the point of doing anything for some rest. Altogether my insomnia has lasted around two weeks now. Is this anywhere near normal?

(this post was moved because I accidentally put it in the Welcome section)

11-25-2010, 02:29 PM
Insomnia in Anxiety is extremely common, it is probably the most frustrating symptom of them all. Lucky for me I have only experienced it once or twice since having anxiety but I can totally relate to you when you say the sleep you do get isn't restful or satisfying. I am thankfully now getting a very good amount of sleep and 9 times out of 10 it is satisfying enough.

I was reading 'I can make you sleep' by Paul McKenna a few weeks ago (I am a follower of his work) and some of the tips from that book I have put in to action and found very useful. Here are some things that helped me (some can be a bit weird but they work):
- Use your internal voice in a very groggy - tired - tone, yawn and make your words related to sleep I.E. ''my eyes feel heavy'' etc.
- Whilst doing the above, picture yourself in bed enjoying a nice nights sleep.
- Do exercise throughout the day, burn off that adrenaline that is released during anxiety, even if it is just a brisk walk.
- Eat food with Carbs in it, some toast or rice.
- Drink a glass of warm milk - the classic!
- Write down what is on your mind in a diary or a pad and get things out so your mind knows that tomorrow you will deal with them (even if you won't), basically take the weight of your mind.
- focus your mind away from your symptoms or thoughts of anxiety, just know that they are to do with anxiety and open up the gap for sleep.
- Don't make yourself believe that you have Insomnia, that is sending sub-conscious the wrong kind of message.

I'm not sure if that was the kind of answer you was looking for but I just thought a few tips that helped me, could possibly help you. I feel tired just typing this out lol.

Take care and I hope I was of some help and reassurance.