View Full Version : stars in eyes

11-24-2010, 02:48 PM
has any one ever had stars in the corner of your eyes that comes and goes? its only in my right eye and its not all the time. :eyebrow: i hate it and it causing my anxiety to flare up?! im sick of anxiety i went 2 weeks almost 3 just fine and now im not? :o

11-24-2010, 03:10 PM
I've never experienced that before. Sounds like something you should run by your doctor. If it doesn't cause you pain or nausea I wouldn't worry about it too much. I know that I wear glasses and sometimes the metal frames catch a reflection or bright light and it causes me to flinch. But that does not sound like anything you've described. Does this flash of light happen in any specific place or time of day?

11-24-2010, 03:48 PM

I have had this in the past and in fact have had it many times over the years
It increased and happened often when i was bad and also i would get it were i would see i spot in my eyes . I had my eyes tested years ago and nothing was found to be wrong

Is it a symptom of anxiety , I would say 99% yes and yes it is on the list .

Just keep your eye one it ( :D sorry theirs a catch phase there ) and see what happens but yes it is anxiety

cheers kev :D

11-26-2010, 09:57 AM
thank you for your replies. i too thought it may have been glitter from the christmas stuff or my eye ring glittering. i took my contacts and eye ring out and cleaned my contacts and for the most part the glitter sensation i was getting is gone. not completely but is still there and now i am seeing dark spots all over in both eyes. like when you get flashed by a camera. it comes and goes. its very aggravating

11-27-2010, 02:28 PM
Some people with anxiety (including me) have what's called floaters. They are just that. Little things that we see from the corner of our eye. I get them mostly when I am having derealization. :blink:

11-27-2010, 08:25 PM
Eye See what your sayin... :-)

Yea, no just anxiety, I have had this to. Then.. What could it be, beggining of going blind maybe?? WHat is it... No just anxiety. When you see the star. move onto the next thing you were doing... WHat ever it was..

11-28-2010, 03:25 AM
Before you run away with thoughts like going blind, please remember that low blood sugar as well as high blood pressure can cause you to see "spots."

Don't allow it to return you to a state of anxiety. Sit and logically think about it. Is it my blood sugar? Once that has been ruled out, have you blood pressure taken. Find out what other causes there can be and rule them out one by one. I know that vertigo can cause the spots too.

I can guarantee you that if you didn't suffer from anxiety, it would still have happened and you most likely wouldn't have given it a second thought.

Don't allow a little thing like that to throw you back into anxiety and panic attacks. Find out what it is and solve it.


11-28-2010, 04:27 AM

people with anxiety (including me) have what's called floaters. They are just that. Little things that we see from the corner of our eye.

Although i understand this it is not correct . Floaters are very common and with everyone they are just the bubbles in the fluid on the eyes . The problems is with anxiety people focus on them and that is the problem there .

Everyone gets these , Try driving into the sun and you should see then . Most of the time the brain filters them out just as it does many things

cheers kev :D

11-29-2010, 06:50 PM
okay so im almost completely convinced that its floaters. the doc wants to send me for a mri. i dont think he knows to much on anxiety??!! i kept blaming unbalanced and stuff on anxiety and hes just like uhuh okay yea. like he wasnt even listening :evil: so now i get to wait for the post card to come in the mail for my mri. yea me. anyways now that i have moved on from that symptom its my achey breaky heart again. damn it when will it end

11-29-2010, 07:31 PM
howdy Mama

What you asked about are not floaters . Floaters are bubbles in your eyes and as i said are nothing more than the fuild in your eyes and your anxiety focusing on it .

damn it when will it end

It will when you let it go and stop letting it worry you .

cheers kev :D

11-29-2010, 09:39 PM
yea i know. its just hard to remember sometimes. lol