View Full Version : Is this such a bad thing?

11-23-2010, 04:50 PM
A couple of years ago when I was still in school, I tried (unsuccessfully) to join a group. It would appear that I am still on someone's email list for the group, since I still occasionally get group emails. Anyway, just yesterday, I got an email about a trip that the group will be taking next year. It was basically asking who wants to go so that motel rooms could be reserved. It said that four to five people would be put in each room. My first thought was YIKES!!! This is something I just CAN'T do. In fact, I don't like sharing a room with even ONE other person. I never have. Over the years, many people have told me that I am everything from weird to spoiled because I have to sleep alone. It would seem that it is generally considered a bad thing not to like to sleep with other people.

Interestingly, at the same time, I have been told much the same stuff about my willingness to CAMP alone (as well as the fact that, when caming with others, I MUST have my own tent). Again, lots of people seem to disapprove, saying that it is weird, antisocial, and even just asking to be eaten by a bear (as anyone with common sense knows, common black bears are naturally nonaggressive BUT would have no problem taking on more than one person if they REALLY wanted to). Am I REALLY so weird for not wanting to sleep around other people?

11-23-2010, 04:59 PM
I can be the same, I just need my own space with no distractions sometimes.

11-23-2010, 05:03 PM
Howdy Robbed

Although this is something that i cant really fully relate to i don't think it is weird and just your choice .

I guess its comes down to something like just because a person does not want to go to a party and rage on with a group of strangers they might be seen as a bit strange . Or i guess another one would be drinking , People that don't drink seem to always be seen as a bit strange Its like What why not .

Mate if you happy and its not effecting you in anyway then stuff what other people say . We are all different . I cant say i would want to stay in a room with 5 people i don't know but i would be happy to do it with a mate and have done .

cheers kev :D

11-23-2010, 06:25 PM

11-24-2010, 05:26 AM
It all comes down to whether the fun of the trip exceeds the cost of having to sleep with other people.
It doesn't matter whether its wierd or not, the fact is you feel a certain way - so you have 2 choices. 1, go to the trip and acknowledge that you will be uncomfortable, but the day will be such a good time who really cares, or 2, don't go because you don't like sleeping in the same room.
Another option is you find the root to why you don't like it. While theres nothing necessarily wrong with it, it's not 'normal' per se for you to feel so uncomfortable, so much so that you would avoid it. While you can have the preference of being alone, it can be seen as an issue because your sacrificing experience(s) because of it.
I think you should go and suck it up :) It's not so bad, they won't bite.

11-24-2010, 11:14 AM
Not weird at all. If someone doesn't like it, that's their problem. Heck, there are people that do all kinds of weirdness and perversions, yet they'll get a slap on the back and a wink, but if you're the opposite and tend to keep to yourself, there must be something wrong!

I wouldn't want to sleep with other people, either, and if I had a choice between not going and having some stranger's hot breath on me all night, I'd choose not to go. It's not like that's the only "fun" opportunity you'll ever have. Besides, I wouldn't want to be around people who thought I was weird.

11-24-2010, 11:53 PM
Another option is you find the root to why you don't like it. While theres nothing necessarily wrong with it, it's not 'normal' per se for you to feel so uncomfortable, so much so that you would avoid it. While you can have the preference of being alone, it can be seen as an issue because your sacrificing experience(s) because of it.
I think you should go and suck it up :) It's not so bad, they won't bite.

I wouldn't want to sleep with other people, either, and if I had a choice between not going and having some stranger's hot breath on me all night, I'd choose not to go. It's not like that's the only "fun" opportunity you'll ever have. Besides, I wouldn't want to be around people who thought I was weird.

You guys kind of have this a little wrong. If you read the initial post, you would see that this trip announcement is an email that I somehow got by chance (probably from an old email list) from a group that I tried to join about two years ago in school. I never really ended up joining the group (for reasons other than sleeping arrangements on trips, by the way). So the trip itself is a non-issue. Also, if I really DID want to go on the trip, I would just get my own motel room. This would mean paying for the room out of my pocket. But I would MUCH rather do that than share not only a room, but a bed, with another guy (think Planes, Trains, and Automobiles!).

The reason why I posted this is that the mere thought of having to sleep with four other people in a motel room is rather uncomfortable. And I was just trying to see whether people here think that having this thought is really THAT abnormal.