View Full Version : Paranoid???

07-26-2006, 04:32 AM
is it normal to be worried about people putting stuff in your food or drink? it started out that my friend was angry at me and i thought he might try to get me back by putting something in my food, but i keep tellin myself its just my anxiety playin tricks on me now some places i go i feel nervous about eating and drinking at peoples places.... any help would be helpfull

07-29-2006, 01:33 PM
yo...i get this all the time with my drinks when im out. I even sometimes think my mates hav spiked my drink...which is LUDACRIS. just need to think rationally and remember they are your friends. BUT (especially pay attention if your female) do be careful with ur drinks in bars/clubs because spiking is becoming more common. Dont leave your drinks with strangers or unattended.

07-29-2006, 05:51 PM
yeah i think that at pubs aswell but being home with a best friend i need to think rashinaly its just silly to think that they would

08-01-2006, 12:57 PM
yea it is silly, but you and I both know that when your going thru it...it doesnt seem 1 bit silly. It seem real as life itself and I personally and unable to enjoy myself in that situation. Its just good to bring urself back down to earth!