View Full Version : suicide and anxiety

11-22-2010, 09:56 AM

11-22-2010, 12:52 PM
Hi there,

I am so sorry you are feeling this way. Is there someone you can call to come over?


11-22-2010, 01:13 PM
First off, drinking can make Anxiety a lot worse, so my first bit of advice is to come off of the Alcohol. Second, thoughts of suicide are very common in Anxiety and Panic Disorders, they DO NOT mean that you will go ahead with it, in fact quite the opposite. Those thoughts are a part of 'what if' thinking, you feel so down/ low to the point that you think things like, 'what if this continues forever' or 'what if I can never feel normal again' (you will one day feel normal again by the way) these thoughts in turn make you dig so deep in to your mind that you start to find crazy/ irrational solutions to your situation, which you know in yourself as well that they are irrational thoughts that you would never take action on.

My advice to you is to know and understand that every symptom you experience during high anxiety and panic can not and will not harm you, no matter how much you think it will, it is a natural defense mechanism that the body creates itself so it will not harm you, the quicker you realise this, the quicker the symptoms will wear off and ultimately become useless - also know that it takes time to heal this. Understand Anxiety is not something you can cure over night, so go at your own pace and be patient.

A lot of the reason Anxiety stays around after a Panic Attack is because you tend to fear another one coming on, so again when you fear one coming on just know it WON'T kill you and just let it happen, undermine it by giving it no importance just be like 'yeah whatever, it won't hurt me' also try and distract yourself, read a book or watch the TV. I know this is very hard to do, but the more you dwell on your symptoms the more they will keep flooding back, just be strong!

When it comes to the suicide thoughts, again distract it, when you have a thought come on DON'T have a 'conversation' with it, DO NOT give it any importance, simply say 'STOP' or what helped for me was saying 'BLAH BLAH BLAH' or even LAUGH at it, even if you force it, undermine the thought and as time goes on it lessens in importance.

I know what you are going through, I have been there, done that, got the t-shirt and although I am not 100% cured YET, a lot of the techniques I have spoke about here have helped me IMMENSELY and I hope they can be of use to you too.

Stay strong and take care!

11-22-2010, 09:13 PM
Sounds like your thoughts of suicide are genuine, and not of the what if category?? I know with my expereinces of anxiety, I have had both genuine thoughts of suicide and also what if thoughts of it as well.

It's gonna be tuff, you don't need insurance. You can get through this with out. Just gonna take some work. I know how it feels, I have been there, and sometimes stildo go threre. It will become managable.

If your interested in Getting better, and have plans at working hard at it. It's available, post here, "what can I do to get better". There's a lot of smart people here that can help, and suggest, things that will help you get through this. It goes along the lines of, "you can lead a cammel to water, but you can't make him drink." You will get better, but your gonna have to do it. The tools are a little hard to find at times, but we can throw them your way, You just gotta use them.

For now, your gonna keep on doing the contructive things in life. Workin, socializing, Working out, eating well, keeping everything within moderation.

So I ask... What is bothering you right now???

12-04-2010, 12:56 AM
Please call a Suicide Hotline Right Now!!!! You need to tell them exactly what you're feeling and your suicidal thoughts. Don't wait. Call them right now!!