View Full Version : Does anyone get panic attacks after eating?

11-21-2010, 04:59 PM
I'm curious, it seems that most of my attacks come after I eat a meal, usually a large meal. I don't know if it's something physical or psychological, but sometimes my heart starts racing after I eat a lot, and it drives me into a panic. Anyone else like this?

11-22-2010, 11:11 AM
It may be an allergy. I get palpitations after eating certain corn tortillas. There must be a preservative that I'm allergic to. Perhaps you have an allergy to a preservative as well, at least if you eat a certain amount of it (during a large meal)? I only found this out by accident. The first time it happened, I went to urgent care because the palps were thumping hard every few seconds and it scared me! I didn't make the connection until I had the tortillas again and noticed that, right after I ate them, the palps started up again!

11-22-2010, 01:01 PM
Hi Mad,

How long has this been happening?

Do you have any bad associations with meals, maybe being forced to sit down until you have finished all your food as a child? Getting into trouble for not doing so?


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11-22-2010, 01:59 PM
I never have them from just eating by myself, or after having a large meal, but that doesn't surprise me that it could be a trigger for others. I get panic attacks while eating on occasion, and sometimes they're pretty severe. It's worse when I'm at a restaurant or in a public place when I'm eating. I even dread being a dinner guest at others homes. The larger the group of people I'm at a table with, the more vulnerable I am to getting a severe attack, so much so I cannot eat or feel nauseated. Eating with large groups of people are one of my biggest triggers and have experienced this regularly since I was 4 years old. I usually avoid loud busy restaurants and prefer to dine with no more than two other individuals. Sometimes even the act of eating while someone is watching, especially if I feel pressured to eat fast I get attacks, because I am an annoyingly slow eater to most people. That's probably why I eat slow to begin with. It's frustrating. It's sounds pretty ridiculous even reading this, but then there's nothing rational about the body reacting so strongly to such stimuli. For people with panic disorder, this is nothing uncommon.

11-23-2010, 06:22 PM
My heart starts racing after I eat bad carbs, such as white pasta, bread and like tonight, pizza, which can lead into full blown panic attack. I started with panic and anxiety almost a year ago. Since this time, I cannot drink any alcohol. If I have only two drinks in the evening, two hours later I'll awake (if I'm sleeping) to rapid heart palpitations and a tight chest feeling and difficulty breathing. I am awake for the rest of the night, usually from 12pm til morning by the time I finally can't stay awake any longer, but it usually takes a full 24 hrs. before all the symptoms subside. It's just awful. Does anybody else experience this?

11-24-2010, 10:46 AM

I get them before eating...even at home with my own family sometimes!! I ESPECIALLY Cant go out to eat if it is busy and LOUD I always feel sick, faint and can not eat so it is a waste of money for me...

12-08-2010, 01:00 AM
My heart starts racing after I eat bad carbs, such as white pasta, bread and like tonight, pizza, which can lead into full blown panic attack. I started with panic and anxiety almost a year ago. Since this time, I cannot drink any alcohol. If I have only two drinks in the evening, two hours later I'll awake (if I'm sleeping) to rapid heart palpitations and a tight chest feeling and difficulty breathing. I am awake for the rest of the night, usually from 12pm til morning by the time I finally can't stay awake any longer, but it usually takes a full 24 hrs. before all the symptoms subside. It's just awful. Does anybody else experience this?

I agree, it's awful. I went to my sister's after work today to pick up a few things and she was making dinner for the both of us. My sister isn't the healthiest cook, but I haven't had dinner with her in a while, so I figured why not. What'd she make? White pasta with a creamy herb sauce and soft breadsticks. About 10 minutes after I finished eating, my heart started racing. After almost 8 hours, I'm still not right. It's definitely not as bad as it was before, but I'm not back to what I define as normal. I have to be up for work in 4 hours and there is absolutely no sign of sleep in my near future.

One day I'll learn my lesson and steer clear of not so healthy foods.

12-09-2010, 09:10 AM
At times I am afraid to eat because I am afraid of how I will feel afterward. I sometimes will get skipped heartbeats, pounding and racing. I will also feel like I have an adrenaline rush, like shakey on the inside (hard to describe) but I also get these feelings if I DON'T eat for a while. I have wondered how/if this could be anxiety related.

12-09-2010, 01:21 PM
At times I am afraid to eat because I am afraid of how I will feel afterward.

I have wondered how/if this could be anxiety related.

Well the fact you are afraid is a good indication that its anxiety i would think.

Whys it come about because what ever one fears will put that reaction into us . Its that simple . Lose the fear and the reaction will not come . Yes the sensations may come because you are stressed but that will pass when the fear is not feeding it .

cheers kev :D

12-13-2010, 09:01 PM
At times I am afraid to eat because I am afraid of how I will feel afterward. I sometimes will get skipped heartbeats, pounding and racing. I will also feel like I have an adrenaline rush, like shakey on the inside (hard to describe) but I also get these feelings if I DON'T eat for a while. I have wondered how/if this could be anxiety related.

I've also had the as you put it, shakey on the inside feeling. The best way to describe it is a vibrating feeling in my chest. I also have times where I feel nervous about eating. I just never know how I'm going to react. I just want somebody to tell me why all these weird sensations and feelings? It's the not knowing that's the worse.

04-06-2013, 11:26 AM
I'm curious, it seems that most of my attacks come after I eat a meal, usually a large meal. I don't know if it's something physical or psychological, but sometimes my heart starts racing after I eat a lot, and it drives me into a panic. Anyone else like this?

I read this and I totally wanted to give you a few options or to me the one that's most likely happening. We all know here that panic attacks are mostly psychological. I started having mines about 2-3 months ago and they've been decreasing, but i still have some triggers.

I do get an uncorfotable feeling after eating. I used to suffer from gastritis and I started suffering from it back. Gastritis if not treated feels like heartburn, chest tightness, sometimes i do have difficulty breathing, dizyness, blurred vision, etc. Leading me to the thoughts that im going to have a heart related accident and therefore panic attacks. I would recomend you going to a gastroenterologist and check your stomach. You may be having stomachal issues and that may be leading you to panic attacks after meald just like it happens with me. You are not alone. The better we understand whats going on the more the feelings will decrease.

Meanwhile try this:

1. A daily pill of omeprazol 20mg ever morning empty stomached. At least 30 mins before breakfast. Omeprazol or i believe theres another one called Ranitidine. They are like stomach protectors and regulate acid creation. I mentioned Omeprazol cuz that is the one that i know.

2. Eat healthy in small portions at least 5 times a day. Like every 3 hours. Dont let your stomach empty completely. Dont fill yourself too much either.

3. Suspend: coffee, alcohol, smoking, carbonated drinks, meals with a lot of grease or fat. You can consume milk, but not in large quantities. No citrics. Basically eat healthy and consume a lot of water.

But im no doctor, thats my isolated case and i got into panic attacks for alcohol withdrawal. I had my gastritis under control, but so much drinking got me back into gastritis and it contributed to me getting panic attacks. I hope this helps.

04-06-2013, 11:30 AM
I read this and I totally wanted to give you a few options or to me the one that's most likely happening. We all know here that panic attacks are mostly psychological. I started having mines about 2-3 months ago and they've been decreasing, but i still have some triggers.

I do get an uncorfotable feeling after eating. I used to suffer from gastritis and I started suffering from it back. Gastritis if not treated feels like heartburn, chest tightness, sometimes i do have difficulty breathing, dizyness, blurred vision, etc. Leading me to the thoughts that im going to have a heart related accident and therefore panic attacks. I would recomend you going to a gastroenterologist and check your stomach. You may be having stomachal issues and that may be leading you to panic attacks after meald just like it happens with me. You are not alone. The better we understand whats going on the more the feelings will decrease.

Meanwhile try this:

1. A daily pill of omeprazol 20mg ever morning empty stomached. At least 30 mins before breakfast. Omeprazol or i believe theres another one called Ranitidine. They are like stomach protectors and regulate acid creation. I mentioned Omeprazol cuz that is the one that i know.

2. Eat healthy in small portions at least 5 times a day. Like every 3 hours. Dont let your stomach empty completely. Dont fill yourself too much either.

3. Suspend: coffee, alcohol, smoking, carbonated drinks, meals with a lot of grease or fat. You can consume milk, but not in large quantities. No citrics. Basically eat healthy and consume a lot of water.

But im no doctor, thats my isolated case and i got into panic attacks for alcohol withdrawal. I had my gastritis under control, but so much drinking got me back into gastritis and it contributed to me getting panic attacks. I hope this helps.

04-06-2013, 11:36 AM
You said the best thing i have ever read or thought about my condition. This is so psychological that you get the feelings of the things you fear the most. In my case im terrified by the thought of me dying from a heart attack. Sudden death. Thats what i feel like if my heart its going to fail. Also and i've been observing this i have some triggers. Everytime im home alone i start panicking after a few hours, thats because im afraid of passing out or something while no one is around to help me or take me to a hospital. Also if im driving and too far from home i start anticipating that i will not feel good and will be to far from home and eventually start panicking. I hate the feeling, but im learning to control it.

I lost my job due to this condition and im determined to fight this thing. I cant rely on pills or let this thing control me.

04-06-2013, 01:20 PM
It could be eating allows you to sense your heartbeat more so than with an empty stomach which reminds you of the heart scenario and it starts from there. Just an idea. Alankay

04-06-2013, 04:16 PM
Yeah , I've had that after meals b4 but think its if I feel sick after a meal or " yeah " my heart races then will make me panic and then I think it's the food that's made me like it so wil avoid the food ..... A few mths bak started feelin sick after takin my meds ( even tho I knw it's not them as bin on them 4 yrs ) but started getting myself worked up takin them thinkin they were makin me feel sick or they were sticking in my throat so I started missing my tabs and basically have ended up weaning myself off , I take them now if I'm feeling panicky which really defeats it as they need to b in my system to wrk :-/

04-06-2013, 05:41 PM
Oh ya! I get anxiety after eating and thought I was the only one. LOL

I am paying attention to what I am eating to see if a certin food is the culprit. I've always known that MSG is the worst, uuugghh!

Also if I eat to much my heart will race. I have bought a 'full spectrim digestive enzyme'. It helps digestion a lot and thus my heart doesn't race as much or as long. B4 I ate very little cuz I was too afraid to eat.

04-12-2013, 10:04 AM
I experienced this feeling only once after eating. I was feeling pretty good
and watching TV while I was eating, when I finished and stood up I suddenly
felt lightheaded and weak, so I hurried to my bed and natural this started an
anxiety attack, but haven't felt this again. "knock on wood"

04-13-2013, 07:35 PM
I'm curious, it seems that most of my attacks come after I eat a meal, usually a large meal. I don't know if it's something physical or psychological, but sometimes my heart starts racing after I eat a lot, and it drives me into a panic. Anyone else like this?

I might be that after you eat a big meal or no healthy food your BP n heart rate can go up for a while and also that you start thinking to much about it , start getting worst , it happens to many people , including me ,now I can control it more , my heart rate is normal after a meal , and i also try to eat healthier or don't panic after eating , You might want to check with your doctor in case you have reflux just to have peace of mind , you can take omeprazole 30 minutes before eating it might help you .