View Full Version : Emotional Blunting

11-21-2010, 12:19 PM

I was (about 4 months ago) diagnosed with GAD, I have experienced the typical symptoms of it such as racing heart, sweating, small bouts of depression and crazy/ horrible thoughts etc etc. But just recently I have noticed how completely numb I am emotionally, I can't seem to enjoy anything for long periods of time (if at all) like I used to, I seem to feel as though I have emptiness when looking at the people that I KNOW I love and the things that I KNOW I should be enjoying, it's as if I have turned in to a robot with no feelings. It bothers me to no end in my mind because I KNOW I care because I am a very caring person but nothing happens now and when I look at something I should be happy about I almost try to consciously find that feeling of excitement or love (etc) in me, yet NOTHING.

I have heard Emotional Blunting is common in PTSDs, Schizophrenia and with the use of ADs but I have not got PTSD or Schizophrenia (going by doctors diagnostic of GAD) and the only 'medication' that I have used is 5HTP as I refused to use ADs and 5HTP is a natural remedy so I can't see that being the problem.

Is Emotional Blunting common in GAD? has anyone else experienced this who suffers from GAD? or should I visit my doctor for another opinion on the type of condition I have?

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

11-21-2010, 01:12 PM
Howdy Paul :D

Welcome aboard and please ignore all the spam threads they are not normally like that .

I would have said that what you are feeling is super common for anyone with anxiety . I guess you sort of cut yourself off to things and become numb to things at times .

I also believe or found with me that this could be to do with the fact that you are stressed so much that the chemicals in the brain start to get low and not work as they should . I was very depressed at one stage and found that by using Tyrosine morning and night before food my moods started to lift within the week . You could try this it is a natural product and no side effects unless use in large doses . I think its half teaspoon morning and 1 teaspoon of a night in water 1/2 hour before food .

cheers kev :D

11-21-2010, 04:10 PM
When it comes to anxiety disorder, emotional blunting is most well known as a side effect to antidepressants. But it can happen all on its own as well. It can also happen as a side effect of taking some natural supplements, like 5HTP or St John's Wort (I tried taking 5HTP when my anxiety disorder started, but stopped because I didn't like the side effects - natural does NOT mean 'side effect free'). So you might try discontinuing the 5HTP for a few days to see what happens. Anyway, the key thing to remember is that this is not permanent. With anxiety disorder, symptoms tend to come and go. So, although this one may bother you for some time, it will go away if you let it. The key thing here is to NOT let it get the best of you. Accept that it is there, but try not to react to it with fear.

11-22-2010, 03:19 AM
Thanks for the replies.

I completed the 60 Capsules of 5HTP on Saturday and did decide from then to come off for a while and see if it was them making the difference. I am just taking 1 multivitamin in the morning now, which I have done for years before I was diagnosed with GAD.

I will take your advice and not let it get the better of me, no matter how hard it is to distract. It's the kind of technique I have used for every other symptom and it seems to have done the trick, for the most part. It's good to know that it can happen on its own as well, that takes a big weight off my mind.

I will also have a little go with Tyrosine as well, It really does just seem like there is some kind of chemical that isn't in line or doing the right job, almost like there's something missing to give me that fire I used to have.

Thanks again for the help guys!

11-22-2010, 05:48 AM
I can also relate, I went through a pretty bad anxiety phase thinking that I was 'emotionless' and 'couldn't be happy'..
I think it's just that because of our anxiety, we put SO much focus on the way we are feeling. In fact, we become somewhat obsessed with how we are feeling, and that focus and concentration prevents us from actually EXPERIENCING which is what you are talking about. Like, now because you think you have emotional blunting, instead of just experiencing something as it is, you will attempt to observe yourself IN that experience, which, has the opposite effect of the 'natural' experience we are used to having. I personally think it's because we can't get our mind off the anxiety, and the belief that we HAVE emotional blunting, that causes the blunting itself (not because we are incapable of feeling)... but because our hyper vigilence causes the inability to just roll through the experience, the feeling of bluntness is just reinforced.
I would like to think that once the anxiety subsides, in small steps you will realise 'oh hey, I actually wasn't thinking about anxiety, and was enjoying {fun time here} without interruption. And those are the times when, we know we are heading towards a recovery. Anxiety itself can't cause emotional blunting, and while a type of schizophrenia can cause flatness, I don't think is what you are experiencing (in fact, I would guarentee it, only speaking from experience)
I am on anti-D's now, and I feel pretty normal, only my extreme lows, arn't quite extreme, and basically my mind doesn't let me sink deeper and deeper (which was a really ugly feeling). I have my bad, and good days, and if i didn't phsyically take the tablet, I wouldn't even think I was on them. I think there is a lot fo stigma on AD's, but at the same time, I have read a lot of horrid experiences on them (I did my research, as I was very, very hesitant to taking them in the first place).
Anyway, don't let it bug you, it will go away with time, recognise its a symptom of anxiety, and just a phase - that you will move on from soon.
Take care

11-22-2010, 09:14 AM
Yes!!! :) just anxiety, I have felt that many days, and of corse went in the same direction you did with it... (what else could it be) There has been days where I feel like I don't even love my own kids, I hated that to, then harnessing negative emotion continueing/worsening the cycle of anxiety.

Your dealing with Anxiety no matter what comes through your mind... it's just anxiety..

11-25-2010, 07:33 AM
Thanks for the replies, all of them have given me the re-assurance I needed, thank you!