View Full Version : Follow Up

11-19-2010, 10:21 AM
So... I can't find the post I started about the blood pressure story with this new look so here is an update.

I went to yet another doctor today and he is so nice, I immediately fell in love with him. 8) Well, not really but almost.

He did a simple test and it turns out that because I had a very slight cold over the last week, it has affected something or other in my inner ear and I now am suffering from Vertigo. He said that it is the reason for me feeling so unstable on my feet and for the extreme nausea I have been experiencing.

He gave me some flu tablets and something to control the vertigo, and said that sorts it out most of the time. If it doesn't, he will refer me to a Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. I am not a sickly person so I am sure the flu caps will sort this out.

Yay! I am at peace once again.


11-19-2010, 09:15 PM
I am glad you left is an update. Please let us know if the meds work. Have an excellent evening

11-26-2010, 09:12 PM
Ok so I am getting very worried now.

It has been two weeks and I am still walking around feeling dizzy.

This is NOT in my head. I am not scared of fainting (well, this is making me worry) but the symptoms are definitely physical. I found that it is especially bad when I have been on the bus or I get up suddenly - which confirms the Vertigo dx, but two weeks??

I haven't had any issues or attacks for about 2 months but yesterday I actually felt the first stirrings of a panic attack (the fact that my bus was an hour late and I was in the middle of town, which is dangerous to start with didn't help) - simply because I am so worried about this issue. I deal with children who have cancer on a daily basis and I keep telling myself not to be ridiculous, look at what these kids have put up with - surely feeling off balance is not the end of the world! But in the end I have to be realistic and admit that something could be seriously wrong.

I have decided to give it this weekend and if it doesn't get better, i am going to return to the doctor once again. Seeing an ENT is hellishly expensive so maybe we could try antibiotics first - I am still thinking it is an infection in my ear.



12-06-2010, 01:40 PM
Just don't take it to the worst conclusion; and yes, if it continues get it checked out---vertigo doesn't necessarily go away quick sometimes