View Full Version : New here

11-19-2010, 12:02 AM
Hi, thought I'd join a forum where I can come to for some understanding.....I was çonfirmed as having an anxiety disorder/mild depression a couple of months ago and was sent to a counsellor and so far it has been quite good although I know its going to be a long process with her. Im now on anti depressants because I had a mini meltdown yesterday. Last week, I had an ultrasound because I found a lump in my breast and they want to get it tested just in case. On the radiologists report there is no indication that it is malignant, 'most likely benign' it says, but they just want to err on the side of caution. Yes its a trying time and its difficult not to think about it but my anxiety has been into overdrive. And then some. I have googled till the cows came home (which I KNOW I shouldnt) I have cried, thought of the absolute worst, compared symptoms to others online that are terminal and have diagnosed myself with all sorts. I couldnt take it anymore so I asked my doctor to prescribe me something and she gave me Zoloft.
I have a good support in my partner who was also on Zoloft for just under a year back in 2005, it helped him tremendously and he completely turned his life around. Im just so sick and tired of feeling so damn crappy about things all the time and now with this testing of the cyst in my breast it has all come crashing down on me. Even though its normal to worry about it sometimes, I feel it has absolutely consumed me. The Zoloft wont be kicking in till about 2 weeks according to my dr so unfortunately I have to play out the waiting game for the test results all on my own and yesterday I admitted that I seriously could not do this on my own (trying to beat anxiety without meds).
If I dont google about symptoms and cases etc Im ok. As soon as I get on the computer something consumes me - its like I cant control it, its like a drug. It takes over and I find myself on ridiculous pages reading things and then getting scared, all of a sudden developing 'symptoms' and thinking, thats it, its all over.

Anyway, not sure what good telling anyone this is. I guess Im just reaching out for other people that may be in the same boat and together we can help eachother? I hope so. Its hard to relate to people/family/friends in real life especially if no one has gone through it.


11-22-2010, 02:21 PM
I have been in the exact same boat as you, worrying about what did thankfully turn out to be a cyst on my 'male parts'. Funnily enough I also have AD and mild depression (how small the world is). I know what you mean about searching the net, we have all made the mistake. My advice is just stick to this forum, you get honest and experienced replies that you can't go wrong with.

We are all here to help, I have only been on the forum a few days and noticed how great everyone is already. We are lucky to live in this day and age having the right people at our fingertips.

Good luck in your recovery, I know how annoying it can be when family and friends don't fully understand the condition but we all do here so, you are not alone :)