View Full Version : Worry and Anxiety - invite to participate in research

11-18-2010, 09:30 PM

I am completing my Psychology Clinical Masters at Macquarie University in Sydney Australia and
am interested in worrying and the thinking and behavior styles that are associated with acute and chronic
worrying and those who worry only a little. It is hoped that the research will identify different thinking styles so that
these can be targeted more effectively in group programs for worry and anxiety.

The research is anonymous and internet based and takes about 30 minutes answering multiple choice questions.
Anyone over 18 is invited to participate. The link below takes you to the survey which is hosted on the Macquarie University website.
There is an information and consent form which if you agree to takes you on to the survey. My own and academic supervisors details
are provided.

Thanks for any interest an I am also interested in discussing thinking styles and practices that people have found effective in managing their
worry and / or anxiety



Link to Research (cut and past into browser line)

http://macquariehs.qualtrics.com/SE/?SI ... SXic4VYABe (http://macquariehs.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_5jYNlSXic4VYABe)

11-21-2010, 12:49 PM
Don't do it. Spent like 20 minutes taking this super-long survey only to find a note at the END saying the survey was closed. >:P

11-22-2010, 01:03 PM
I spent forever on it, going through page after page of exactly the same questions.

Gave up halfway lol.