View Full Version : Hypnagogic/Hypnopompic/Schizophrenia/Help =(

11-09-2010, 02:31 PM
I feel like once I stop fearing one thing I start fearing another. It is a sick cycle. I am on lexapro (for about a month now i guess) and I am on Xanax (as needed, I do not take very often). The event that triggered all this was I had two nights of hard drinking. I woke up the next day feeling very out of it, almost dull. Then the next night I woke up early in the morning and thought positive that I had smoked weed (that scared me because I never have before). I am guessing it was a Hypnopompic Hallucination? It seemed so vivid I was freaked out. Then for about four days I still felt out of it, worried that I had a tumor, worried that I was going crazy or had been drugged at the party. Then every night i would have Hypnagogic Hallucinations before I would fall asleep I would think I was losing my mind or losing touch with reality because I would hear or see things right before I fell asleep. This caused me to think I had schizophrenia. And i have been kinda in there somewhere ever since.

Help =(

11-09-2010, 03:33 PM
No, you are not going crazy/going schitzo, but I'd be tempted to think something's a bit suspicious. You didn't leave your drink alone at any time, did you?

11-09-2010, 04:22 PM
You didn't leave your drink alone at any time, did you?

This is definitely something to consider. Especially if you know for a fact that other substances were being consumed at this party.

11-09-2010, 07:09 PM
I agree you sound like you could have been drugged!

11-09-2010, 08:10 PM
And even if your drink was not 'spiked', alcohol alone can cause these sorts of things to happen if you have been drinking REALLY heavily.

11-10-2010, 02:35 AM
hey, theres no need to turn something small into something big.
on some level everyone has these hallucinations its just a matter of how much focus we allocate to it. I have woken up to hearing sounds, specifically my name being called..
do you see things with your eyes closed or open? Do you actually hear things, e.g. it sounds external but you think it's internal?
In terms of the marijauna dream, have u ever had a vivid dream upon wakening before? the dream can often leave you with residual emotions that arn't very nice, and hence making you feel like it actually happened (could be any experience.. which is why nightmares suck)
It seems you are somewhat predisposed to anxiety anyway, because if you spent the next few days constantly worrying and worrying and not letting go, then you have some anxious patterns in the first place. And then you must have googled a lot, because hypnagogic hallucinations isnt exactly in our daily vocabulary.
I doubt that you were drugged, after 2 nights of hard drinking you were probably very dehydrated and very nutrient deficient, hence the dull and lethargic feelings. It would be silly to jump to psychological factors being the cause of your fatigue, given the circumstances.
If you had schizophrenia the hallucinations wouldn't be exclusive to just as you are lying in bed, inbetween the period of which you are half asleep to asleep. As this is the only time it happens, and because this is the time period of which your anxiety has attached itself to, its safe to say you DONT HAVE schizo. So try not to waste your energy indulging in it.
You probably fear falling asleep (I remember that for some time), there was a period of time when my anxiety was really bad that when i was ALMOST asleep, my brain would just freak out, i would feel like my head was sinking very deep, and i would shoot up instantly in panic 'wtf was that'... when my anxiety subsided so did this symptom, and im confident that as your anxiety subsides, so will these 'hallucinations'. I'm sure if you got really drunk again, these hallucinations wouldn't occur, as alcohol is quite good at blunting anxiety (while your drunk)... until you wake up...and then its a nightmare
Anyway, hope this helps good luck

11-10-2010, 02:13 PM
thank you all for your replies, and thank you law and order