View Full Version : need some opinions

11-09-2010, 08:34 AM
I feel lost as ever.I'm 24 and I've been getting better in my life for little things.I go on very slowly,I've made little steps too little for me to accept it and accept me the way I am.I often feel alone and the more I do feel the more I get.I saw my old schoolmates on facebook.I ain't got the courage to comunicate with them coz they live a wonderful happy life with parties and and boyfriends.While I'm alone and find it so hard.I've been falling in love with a guy and I ruined everything,he doesn't look for me anymore,he barely look at me and I feel completely a shit.Coz I struggle every single day and don't know what to do.I'm so sad and feel alone please help me please!
I don't know how to make other understand how I really feel and how serious it is.I feel poor.I feel like I'm nothing and can't give anything to anyone.

11-24-2010, 07:18 PM
Believe it or not, a lot of people feel the same way you do. Some of them take antidepressants prescribed by doctors, while some think that meds don't work. The best advice I can give you is for you to talk to a family member or a close friend, someone you can trust who will listen without judgment. Perhaps this way, you will be able to sort out your emotions, find out why you feel this way and eventually find a way to overcome your struggles. I wish you all the best.

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12-11-2010, 10:28 PM
thanks for sharing that. It is important for you to start figuring out some outcomes/goals. Do you actually have any?

01-07-2011, 07:35 AM
thanks for sharing that. It is important for you to start figuring out some outcomes/goals. Do you actually have any?

Yeah,I got a whole lot of goals!!! REALLY!
1) I'd like to be able to know more people,but don't know how
2) I'd like to become more friends with my co-workers and organize things with them to try to have fun together,enjoy each other company
3) I'd like to become more independent to have more things in common with them and to become more aware of life in general,I'd like to be a good person,I mean someone who knows what has there to be done when needed
4) I'd like to have new friendships to keep for the future
5) I'd like to find someone who loves me,really

In these last 2 years,I've been trying to become a way more better person,for others but especially for myself.Coz I promised to myself that I would have tried my best to better my life in order not to feel alone as I used to. Many things have changed,little but really important steps.But sometimes I get weird ideas about things.Like I do feel useless as a person and feel nothing has really changed,coz I look at other people's life and say to myself that what I'm trying to learn now,everyone has learnt it when they were very young.I'm not stupid,I'm quite smart,in the sense that I learn things fast and try to improve and do with dedication and responsibility.At work I do a lot.But I don't work for money,I don't care about that,not coz I'm rich but coz I take it as a school of life where I gotta try to learn from evryone and everything.I used to stay alone the whole time,now I try to socialize the more I can and try to better in my communication ways.But when someone doesn't answer back the way I expect in my mind I take it like a "I don't care about you" attitude.

I used to be a prisoner in the house and inside myself,I was scared to do everything.I didn't drive,didn't speak to people,didn't face any kind of my fears,now I try to do the contrary.But sometines it gets hard and it seems like I'm good just to work hard and do other peoples tasks,I don't like that it pisses me off.

Anyway,I posted this thread a bit of time ago,I don't remember the feelings I was writing with,I only know I tried to have a better attitude towards things,like forgetting the little disappointments,without thinking about it every second,coz I can't be the cause of evry negative things.And I'm trying to smile more and it helps.Even if I'm on a bad mood I try not to be angry the whole day,trying to be friendly with others,and turn it into a good day,coz there's always something good to be done for yourself.

01-07-2011, 07:43 AM
the thing about that guy.He's the first I fell in love with,it's ok.But he's the one I love the most and care about the most among the whole world.He gave me a lot,from different points of view even if he wasn't aware.It seems we're friends now,I try to be affectionate the more I can show him,coz that's how I am when I love.Sometimes he's weird.But when I hugged him and said I love you to him,for this christmas wishes,and he said I love you too,it seems like that all of the misunderstandings between us are gone.