View Full Version : Horrible anxiety these past few days...

11-08-2010, 10:24 PM
A little back story: I've had anxiety in the past. Saw a therapist a few years ago, and it seemed to have gotten better over time. Saw a few years with no severe anxiety or panic attacks.

A few weeks ago though, I had been discussing with my girlfriend how worried I was about my work. I felt as though I was pretty incompetent, but I rationalized and understood that I have actually done some OK work at my job and I will always have much to learn. No big deal.

However, a week or so later, I smoked a bit of marijuana, maybe to take the edge off or whatever. It wasn't much (not even a bowl) and It didn't affect me too much, really it seemed. I smoked a few nights out of that week, with no real problem. Just trying to enjoy it, I guess. It's pretty enjoyable most times, but on Friday, I smoked with my cousin and the evening went pretty well. Watched some comedy, laughed a bit. However a few hours later, I had some pretty bad panic attacks before trying to fall asleep. It may have come from some negative thinking or something, but it hit me pretty hard.

I don't remember how long I kept getting up from my bed and walking around because of the attacks that night but it felt like forever before I could get to sleep. It was terrible. I was just consumed with the fear of losing my mind or going crazy. Wondering if it was ever going to end. I'm sure a lot of you know the feeling.

So now, a few days later, I don't think I've had any serious anxiety attacks like that night, but just general anxiety throughout the day. Worrying, what if's, anxiousness, that just really stresses me out. It's only been a few days so I can't tell if there is any sort of pattern just yet but it's so terrible I want to cry.

I scheduled an appointment with my therapist, but he's not available until the 30th unless there's a cancellation. So I worry and wonder in my head if I'll go crazy by then, hehe. I'm going to look at some other providers tomorrow to see if I can schedule an appointment sooner somewhere else, because this is almost unbearable. Until then, I don't know what to do; need some help. So many questions, worries, and frustration. :(

Thanks for reading if you've gotten this far.

11-09-2010, 12:59 PM

Gosh, over & over people come here saying that they've gotten horrible anxiety from smoking weed. Some people have bad reactions to it - paranoia, etc. It's illegal for a reason, it's not good for you, so please find a healthier way to relax. :)

11-09-2010, 07:07 PM
I was thinking the same thing myself. Although we are not judging you for doing this, it is not a wise move. You even stated you "used to have anxiety". Was this the reason you had it before?

People,people, smoking makes it worse..and this coming from a 27 year old female who has never once smoked ANYTHING!

11-09-2010, 10:05 PM
Marijuana is a strange thing. It's marketed as a way to relax and chill listening to reggae with a huge smile and uncontrolled laughter. I used to smoke a lot of it, and now all it does it make me panic. It's weird how it does that.

The reason why pot id illegal has nothing to do with this. I don't want to get political, but it isn't illegal for health reasons. It has a lot more to do with companies wanting to monopolize certain chemicals that hemp can be used for.

Also, growing up with horror stories about drugs and pot can lead you to panic when stoned. Pot is NOT bad for you unless you do it a lot.

The reason it can trigger fight or flight response I have yet to figure out, but I sure would like to know.