View Full Version : For the girls, mainly

11-08-2010, 08:25 AM
Hi everyone,

I made SUCH an incredibly important discovery today - for myself, at least.

Bear with me if you have heard this before. :-)

I have been doing absolutely fine for a month. No attacks, no significant anxiety for the first week or so and none at all for the rest of the month.

However, this morning I woke up feeling dreadful, one of those days where you feel you have to drag yourself through every minute and usually the onset of anxiety. I stressed all day and felt quite anxious. What can it be? Why am I anxious? What could have triggered it? As the day wore on the anxiety got worse until around 3 where I felt on the verge of a major panic attack.

As I walked downstairs to go home, I was trying to distract myself and I thought hmm.. I'm hungry.. I'll have to make something healthy to eat, as I have major PMS and this weekend I ate just about everything that wasn't nailed to the floor.

And the penny dropped. PMS. It must be PMS.

For the last 3 months, my anxiety has followed a pattern. I am absolutely fine for a month and then I wake up one morning wanting to chew off my own wrists.

I realised that it's not PMS brining on anxiety as such, but because the emotional side of it is so similar to anxiety - wanting to cry for no reason, feeling moody and tired etc - it makes me think that it is anxiety and it is the perfect opportunity for panic to take over.

I immediately felt the anxiety lift. I actually smiled to myself and thought OF COURSE! How did I not connect the two before? In less than 10 minutes I went from being too frightened to catch the bus home and wondering how I will make it to feeling absolutely 100% normal, as now I had an explanation. I am feeling a little stiff from being tensed up all day but otherwise just great.

I am so glad I figured this out!

Are there any other women on here who feel this way? Have you ever considered the possibility that at least certain episodes of anxiety are set off by PMS and what I just described?

Would like to hear from you all.


11-08-2010, 11:14 AM
Hormones play a HUGE part in anxiety for me!!! PMS definitely plays ahuge role, and I think my age (40s) has something to do with it as well (perimenopause possibly).

11-08-2010, 11:25 AM
It never happened before Iz, only since I've started battling with anxiety. Like I said, it must be because the "symptoms" are so alike that I end up confusing the one with the other.

11-08-2010, 06:29 PM
Yep! Definately makes EVERYTHING worse for me!

ANd then makes me more anxious because its making me anxious :shock: