View Full Version : Help with GAD

11-08-2010, 04:24 AM
Hey guys,

Well I have gad and i am 21 and i have had all kinds of symptoms from this, i exercise and train every day and I eat very healthy, in the last week after one training for hockey, I came home and that night I got weird chest pains, burning sensation kinda felt like indigestion and tingling and shooting pains down my left arm, bug my heart rate is normal I have had this every day for a week now, now since i am a hyper chondriac I think having a heart attack or a stroke, I talked to my parents about this and they think it's just anxiety again, I have been visiting my doctor often over 5 years and I'm sure he's sick of seeing me because every visit is to do with my gad,

Now i would Like some advice about this and if anyone has experienced this, I would like some experienced people to answer too please