View Full Version : Anxiety Aids?
11-08-2010, 04:09 AM
Hello All,
Well, I'm new to the site and first thing I wanted to ask everyone out there is about any aids they have used to help with their anxiety? I'm going down the self-help route so wondered if anyone could recommend any books to read to help, herbal medication, activities?? thanks :D
11-08-2010, 08:52 AM
Here is what I have been doing. Now I do take a med for anxiety but I am not sure if it has helped a lot or not, because I do still get some symptoms from day to day.
1. Lift weights and do some walking or jogging. It does help to keep active even if it sucks at first but it does get better.
2. Stretch exercises to keep the muscles from becoming tight.
3. Relax and get plenty of sleep when you can. I have noticed when I get really tired my anxiety jumps a level and then it is hard to get it back in check.
4. Drink lots of water and take Vitamins. I take Super B Complex and Omega 3 6 and 9. It does help but it takes a little while.
5. Play calming music when feeling stressed or not. Let the music take your mind to a relaxing place.
6. Take hot shower or bath. This really helps with muscle tension.
7. Laugher is always great and helps to relieve stress. Watch a funny movie.
8. Keep your mind occupied. Find something you like to do that makes you happy and that is not stressful.
9. I like to repeat different sayings over and over when I feel anxiety. Like for example (This is just anxiety it is nothing else it will pass).
10. Stay away from caffine as much as you can.
11. Eat healthy lots of fuit and vegatables.
12. A good calming tea helps me sometimes when I get home from work.
Hope this helps.
11-08-2010, 11:19 AM
Good suggestions!! :)
Rent "What About Bob?" An absolute necessity!!! :D
11-09-2010, 02:20 AM
They're great, really helpful, thank you ;)
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