View Full Version : Is there something wrong with me?

11-06-2010, 08:57 AM
Hi, I'm totally new here but there's a difficult question I'm a bit embarrased to ask anywhere else.

I'm 23, nearly 24 years old and never had a girlfriend my entire life. I also find it very difficult to make male friends in a social environment as well, and feel as though I'm living on a different planet to everyone else. Basically nothing ever seems fun either.

I've got no idea what I do or don't do, but I've managed to get through education and university just fine (acutally being quite bright at alot of things) and get into full time employment. However, my social life gets me down alot and I have no idea what I do wrong. Some people I meet just end up hating me for no apparent reason. Also most people don't seem to consider me ugly or rude or anything; I'm not anorexic and not overweight and go to the gym regularly, don't have bad breath, retardation, acne etc etc...... (ok you know what I mean)

I figure there's something psychologically I'm really not doing right in how I interact with people and have no idea what it is.

Any thoughts; or anyone been through something similar?

11-21-2010, 04:28 PM
What is it that people do that makes you think they don't like you? Also, in what kind of environment are you trying to meet people?