View Full Version : Panic Portal? Panic Away? Anyone???

07-20-2006, 08:55 AM
Hello. I am brand new here (36 yr old mom of 2- have had
anxiety/panic attacks since college, but has gotten much worse
over past year)
Anyway, I was hoping to find some information on the "Panic
Away" system at PanicPortal.com. (an e-book by Joe Barry
giving ways to help stop attacks). Any info would be greatly
appreciated. Have had awful experiences with meds and
can't go to the ER each time I have one.
Thank you kindly,

07-29-2006, 01:41 PM
i would recommend getting some CBT Cognative behaviourial therapy. Also try to develop some breathing patterns. Good breathing exercises ALWAYS prevent me from having a panic attack. Every time i feel an attack coming on I do the breathing and it STOPS. Still hav anxiety but am far happier than I would be.