View Full Version : I haven't felt normal in almost 2 years...

11-05-2010, 10:27 PM
hi everyone.
i've suffered from anxiety and pannic attacks since I was 16 years old. I am now 22. However, in april 2009 something happend to me. I was hanging out with friends and I got dizzy, extremely nervious, I couldn't walk straight and I felt like I couldn't breath. I was so overwelmed with fear I actually thought I was going to die. My friend...now fiance, took me to the hospital where I got checked out. They pretty much sent me on my way, saying everything was fine...yet i felt far from fine. After that day...and ever since then I've had to deal with being over emotional, pannic attacks, anxiety attacks, head aches, tiredness, horible head and neck pain, sore back aches, dizziness, light headedness... the list can go on. I feel as thought every other month i'm diagnoising myself with a disease because I don't know whats wrong with me. three weeks ago i started getting spasms all over my body, and they are constant in my legs. i havent felt comfortable since they started no have I had desent sleep. i'm so bdepressed and agervated that i don't know what to do with myself. i'm consumed by fear, pain and anxiety. I'm crying as i write this. I pray to God every day to help me and though I know He loves me and He does help me... I still have all these problems. Why am I having constant spasms? i started taking magniesium that my dr. put me on because she felt i was deffictient. I been on them almost three weeks and they havent helped. My minds going crazy...I keep thinking I have MS or something worse... I want the pain, spasms...everything to stop. I don't know what to do... Is this all normal with Anxiety and Pannic Attacks or am I losing my mind??? :(

11-06-2010, 12:36 AM
Hi Hon,

That has to be very unsettling, having such a horrible panic attack and having an unsympathetic doctor basically telling you, "You're fine, you're wasting my time, bye." Not that there's much they can do, it's true that you are indeed fine, but it would at least be nice if they took the time to explain how the panic process works and where those symptoms came from. Otherwise, you're just going to be waiting in fear for your next panic attack, which guarantees you'll have another, and another, and you'll just end up back in the ER again.

Your (our) symptoms are just the snowball effect of constant fear. It's a vicious cycle that's hard to stop, because fear creates symptoms, which create more fear, which creates more symptoms, etc. And when the self-diagnosing starts...forget it!!!

I'm sorry you're having it so rough right now. I hope you get some good advice here. I'm sure you will - some really wonderful people on this board. I don't have anything earth-shattering to offer advice-wise, but I can say I know how it feels to suffer from such horrible anxiety (though nowadays it's not as bad as it used to be by a longshot) and that I wish the best for you in conquering this anxiety beast!!

11-06-2010, 10:56 AM
thankyou so much. i hope being on this forum helps. the only one who understands what i go through is my mom and shes hard to talk to about anything medical because she thinks the worst.

11-06-2010, 07:48 PM
Yeah, your mom loves her "baby" so she's naturally going to worry!! :)

11-07-2010, 01:41 AM
That has to be very unsettling, having such a horrible panic attack and having an unsympathetic doctor basically telling you, "You're fine, you're wasting my time, bye." Not that there's much they can do, it's true that you are indeed fine, but it would at least be nice if they took the time to explain how the panic process works and where those symptoms came from. Otherwise, you're just going to be waiting in fear for your next panic attack, which guarantees you'll have another, and another, and you'll just end up back in the ER again.

Yes a good half hour talk would save alot of misery in the long run .

Your (our) symptoms are just the snowball effect of constant fear. It's a vicious cycle that's hard to stop, because fear creates symptoms, which create more fear, which creates more symptoms, etc. And when the self-diagnosing starts...forget it!!!

This is what alot of people believe but it is not true with anxiety . Anxiety has nothing to do with the fears on it . Its not even fear when you think about it is it . Lets take someone that has just been told they have cancer . Do you think that they are going to be thinking about it , about treatment and such. But you know what the difference here is that person can learn to accept their problem because they know what is happening and can live with it . But no the poor bugger who has a panic attack and is left with no information , no clue accept OH ITS ONLY ANXIETY . What else are they going to do other than panic , and stress about what is happening to them . People only recovery from anxiety when they find that answer and can live with it and start to stop[ stressing about what is happening . True recovery only happens when a person is at peace with their anxiety and can let it fade away . It is a shame that for many this is years in the making .

Fears , the silly ones that come with anxiety are only from high stress . The fear section on the brain becomes very active when high stressed . So when stress is reduced it goes back to working as it normally would .

cheers kev :D