View Full Version : Chest Discomfort Symptom

11-04-2010, 01:07 PM
I am new here and am wondering if anyone has stomach issues/intolerances which trigger anxiety?

I have been put on meds for an ulcer, and I believe that I have a problem with my upper chest (possibly my esophogus,) and now all I think about is my chest discomfort. It seems as though it is a trigger for my anxiety.

I feel like it is so irrational that I am fearing death/illness when I am in my twenties, particularly from chest pain, but I can't shake the thoughts. I am currently in the beginning stages of therapy, but it is becoming unbareable to deal with on a daily basis.

Any suggestions on how to block the thoughts as well?


11-04-2010, 01:22 PM
I am new here and am wondering if anyone has stomach issues/intolerances which trigger anxiety?

I have been put on meds for an ulcer, and I believe that I have a problem with my upper chest (possibly my esophogus,) and now all I think about is my chest discomfort. It seems as though it is a trigger for my anxiety.

I feel like it is so irrational that I am fearing death/illness when I am in my twenties, particularly from chest pain, but I can't shake the thoughts. I am currently in the beginning stages of therapy, but it is becoming unbareable to deal with on a daily basis.

Any suggestions on how to block the thoughts as well?


I had anxiety when I was about 13 for a few months about going blind. I feared it for a while and remember crying about it when I was alone. I felt sad and hopeless.

I'm 21 now but I really don't remember how I got over it. I think it just faded with time.

Sometimes I think it faded because I didn't really associate that anxiety with the word and meaning "anxiety".

It seems like now that I know and the definition and symptoms of anxiety I don't really fear the trigger of my anxiety but just the anxiety itself.

To relieve and/or eliminate this the best form that I know of is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). I don't know much about it other than what I've read on Google but since you're going to therapy and since this kind of anxiety is fairly common I believe you'll be find in no time.

Your therapist should help you immensely.

11-10-2010, 03:24 PM
I am a 30 yr old female and have been suffering with anxiety for 15+ yrs. I can totally relate to what you're saying. I have sooo often had chest discomfort, I really thought I was going crazy. My first initial thought response to any uncomfortable feeling is,"OMG! I'm having a heart attack, or a stroke. I'm going to die!" I get myself so worked up about wondering what the symptoms could be from, I go straight into a panic attack. It's very scary! I've always been a hypochondriac, and I tell myself when I have these thoughts that I'm fine. If you've been to the doctor to rule out any serious medical problems, you have to trust in that, and that's what I've had to keep telling myself. I recently read a book by Dr. Claire Weekes called "Hope and Help for Your Nerves." I would seriously recommend this book to anyone with anxiety. I swear I felt like she wrote it just for me. Maybe you should try it out. I have become a lot calmer and have more faith in myself to overcome anxiety just by reading it. I also have recently started keeping a journal about my anxiety. I'll write down what symptoms I'm having and how I'm feeling when I have them. Then, later, I can go back after I feel better, and think, "Gosh, there really was no reason for me to get so upset about that! Look at me, I'm fine now!" I promise, it helps give a sense of reassurance when you can go back and really see that everything is not as bad as you previously thought. Hope this helps and you feel better soon!