View Full Version : Bizzare Imagination that nothing is real

11-03-2010, 07:59 PM
I know feelings of unreality is a common symptom, but when my anxiety started I was at first worried that i was schizophrenic and hallucinating everyone (like my parents for example) then I started to worry that I am the only real person and everything else is just my imagination. Does anyone else feel this. I deal with it pretty well and can function, but sometimes it's tough because my mind says "what if these people are not real and your mind is just making them real"....hmmm it sounds more scary in my head...

p.s. just as anyone in need is, i am EXTREMELY grateful to anyone who replies

11-03-2010, 08:21 PM
It's funny how this anxiety can mess with the head. Sometimes, I can only help but laugh at the things I expereience.

But what you'll recognize is how one obsessional thought will make others. I to had the fear of being schitzophrenic, and with that, being aware of one of the symptoms (trumans world). That obsession became alive. Like nothing around you is real, or what if everything around you was just a show centered around you. Something (something) in you knows that it's not possible, but it can feel so beleivable. Yea, I' think what it is, is the derealization symptom of anxiety, that's normal, and while your there, it depends on how you analyze it. Just gotta label it what it is, and over time it will go away, it did for me and I was dealing with it over the summer.

I know exactly what your talking about.

11-03-2010, 08:32 PM
thanks alot, i appreciate the reply, yeah exactly, when i watched the truman show even as a kid before i had anxiety i though to myself "what if this happened to me" and i would occasoinally jokingly try to catch my parents "acting", same with toy story as a kid, i would try to catch my toys talking, and now that i do struggle with anxiety, i can't help but thing sometimes "maybe im the only real person and everything else is just BS that my mind makes up" =(, but it comes and goes, sometimes i even laugh and thing "that's preposterous" but other times im like "its plausable"