View Full Version : prozac

11-02-2010, 08:13 AM
today is day 2 of stopping remeron and starting prozac. i suffer from anxiety and have been called OCD'ish.
i was wondering if anyone knows approx. how long it will take for the side effects of the remeron to stop as well as the prozac.
my doc told me i could take ativan if needed however, one of my anxiety fears is taking meds! was also wondering if anyone else is taking prozac and takes ativan as needed?
i'm on 10mg of prozac and my ativan is .5mgs

11-04-2010, 04:50 PM
hi! you sound so much like me. how is the prozac treating you? it always worked great for me especially when i started at a lower dose and then worked up. ive been on and off it a couple times and each time i started id get so scared because i am sooo scared of medication. I want to start it again because my life is becoming out of control.

11-05-2010, 07:24 AM
well, today is day 5 of the Prozac and I must say, the side effects are not bad. I have trouble falling asleep at night and i'm pretty tired during the day. I will say, I have other symptoms, but I'm pretty sure they are due to my anxiety. Dry mouth, anxious, fearful thoughts, ect.

My husband and I debated last night on whether or not I should keep taking an antidepressant or not. Of course, he says to stay on it! ha!
I on the other hand thinks that most of the time my anxiety is under control (partly thanks to a wonderful therapist)! My anxiety is most def related to my body and major health issues (which i have none, i'm just always thinking that this pain or problem MUST mean cancer, lupus, MS - you get the picture.)
The one thing I will say about the prozac and I'm wondering if this happen to you since you've take in a few times - for example, while cleaning up around the house, i'm moving in slow motion it feels like. I do everything slow now where as before I would (not literally) run circles around my family when it was clean up time. Not sure if this dragging feeling will go away after some time?!..
sorry to hear that things are starting to get out of control! do you suffer from anxiety as well?