View Full Version : Back and forth, up and down

11-01-2010, 09:21 AM
Back in July/Aug. the doctors found I had anxiety and gave me Celexa in order to help alleviate it. That seemed to work really well. Well about 2-3 weeks ago, the doctors took me off of Celexa - not good from then on.

So it's been difficult, I don't want to go to work - I work at home, have everything open to log in, I'm even an hour late, and I just don't want to do it. I'm frustrated with the company and just down to where I don't want to work. I have an exciting job opportunity coming up, (2 days actually), and I'm worried about that. My days, I already know the flow of them :(
1. Wake up at 8AM get ready for work.
2. Work until x time.
3. Get off of work and lay down (nauseated)
4. Wake up 3-4 hours later and get online
5. Go to bed at 2-3AM

Things I've found that help with the anxiety a bit is coffee; I strongly love coffee and drink it everyday. I have to have at least 1-2 cups a day otherwise I get really anxious.

I'm sorry if none of this is making sense as I'm jumping around, I'm just having a hard time really doing anything. I need to get laundry done, but I don't. I want to work on projects and various stuff again, but I don't. I feel like I'm completely at a loss - I have no energy I have no drive to do this or that. I don't really have money to go see the doctors to see if they'll put me back on Celexa or that, I'm just not well :(.

Can anyone recommend anything? I don't really want to leave the house... I just don't know anymore - I haven't felt like this for years and it's just making me stressed out and making me feel like this is what my life is going to be, for the rest of it. - I've been trying to take multi-vitamins to see if that would help cause I don't really eat citrus items, don't get too much sunlight (lately) and don't really eat healthy, but I keep thinking they're causing me Anxiety or nausea, or my mind will tell me I'm allergic to it and to watch myself and causes an anxiety attack.

Story of my life for the past 4-6 months :(

11-01-2010, 09:51 AM
I was told caffine is horrible for anxiety and it should be eliminated or taken in moderation.

11-01-2010, 10:01 AM
I have found that eating healthy foods definitely has some kind of impact on anxiety.

I have learnt to:

Stay away from coffee.
Smoke only moderately.
Definitely no energy drinks.
Moderate you sugar intake.

Lots and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Remember, if you are not eating right, your body will show it through a lack of energy.

You also need to sleep more. Staying up until 3 - 4 am is not on, as exhaustion feeds your anxiety. As for not wanting to do anything - just get up and DO it. Force yourself to. Once you have completed one task, you will start thinking about doing the next.. once again, just do it. After a while you will think.. hey, that wasn't so bad! And you will be more motivated to carry on.

I have definitely found that keeping the environment I work and especially live in in a clean, neat condition lessens my anxiety. Walking into a clean house is good for the mind and body. Sitting around with piles of laundry and dishes to do only makes you feel ugh and wanting to tell yourself how absolutely useless you are.

About your mind telling you that you are allergic to certain foods.. eat little bits. Once you see nothing happens - which it won't - eat more.

It's all about baby steps.

I am sorry you are feeling so bad.. take control and claim your life back, little by little.


11-01-2010, 10:07 AM
I was told caffine is horrible for anxiety and it should be eliminated or taken in moderation.

I too have read that, but I found if I don't drink coffee or have coffee for a day I get more anxious, and the anxiety kicks in more. If I haven't had my daily dose and it's bed time I have to drink a cup just to go to sleep otherwise I well have an anxiety attack. I don't know I just don't know, since they've taken me off the Celexa I keep doing worse and worse - don't want to work just want to sleep - maybe if they would have eased me off of it it may have been different, but they just had me quit cold turkey after taking it for 3 months :( I hate this.

11-01-2010, 10:10 AM
Did they give you any reason why? That just doesn't sound right to me.

The coffee drinking sounds more like a pattern to me - having to do something in a certain way because you are comfortable with it and changing it might make you anxious, which you said it does.

11-01-2010, 10:23 AM
Did they give you any reason why? That just doesn't sound right to me.

The coffee drinking sounds more like a pattern to me - having to do something in a certain way because you are comfortable with it and changing it might make you anxious, which you said it does.

Well when I went in I hadn't worked for 2 months due to the nausea not allowing me to drive down to work, and they tested for all this other stuff, kidney stones, galbladder, etc. Well I felt like I couldn't breathe one night and that's when they found out it was Anxiety (in the ER) I still hadn't been working to pay the doctors or that; well I just started to work again and that, but they sent my debts to a collection agency and won't see me until I pay that off - or even give me a refill, problem is I don't go to work cause I get nauseated, feel like I can't breathe etc where I don't have the Celexa. So I try to eat and drink coffee or that to see if the nausea will go away, otherwise I just don't feel like going, and I can't force myself to.

It's been horrible, cause I was getting all the adverse side effects from just stopping Celexa - which made it hard to work as well :(

11-01-2010, 03:07 PM

GRRRRRRRRRRRRR :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Your doctor needs a stick up his butt .

Ok first off Coffee . Stop kidding yourself this stuff is doing nothing for you anxiety at all . This comes from someone that would drink 12 cups a day at one stage .

Second these drugs you are going to have to just let your system adjust from them

If i was you i would be starting to look after yourself . You are doing a very poor job of that at the moment .

Start by eating better . If you cant eat then get a protein shake and some good home made veggie juice into you .

Second i would be getting some Tyrosine , this will help with your moods and also it builds the stuff that these nasty drugs are meant to make work better . Problem is if you don't have enough how is it the these drugs are meant to have it work better .

Stop sleeping so badly , it is not helping . You could do with learning to mediate also which will help .

I guess what i am saying is step up to the plate and start to look after yourself because it is all up to you .

cheers kev :D

11-01-2010, 09:45 PM
Well the reason why you are feeling better with the coffee is because your body probably has a slight addiction to caffine (alot of people are). So as your drinking a cup, your alleviating the addiction (alot of people). When your anxious and want a cup, it's your body telling you I want caffine.

yes it's proven that caffine (coffee) is not good for anxiety. 1-2 cups a day? How big?? I can see that I don't give much good advise on the forum, but 1-2 is not so bad. With anxiety, It's a game of not harnessing negative emotions, If you can drink 1-2 cups a day and you like it. So be it. However, this could be the reason for the lack of energy, Caffine does nothing for long term energy levels.

Gonna have to start working out. Oh and not to belittle you, I see in your post you say that you want to do projects, but don't. I have many days where the desire to do anything won't even be expereienced, let alone the energy to do it. For me, and the hole I have been in. I prefer desire over energy any day. I have many days where I want to want, and I just don't. Be happy you have desires, and don't harness negative emotion from your lack of energy. Roll with it.