View Full Version : How Do You Deal With Events?

10-31-2010, 03:01 AM
I've had anxiety for a while and some things have improved, but one thing that has never improved is my anxiety before big events.

These are the things that I would perhaps get a little anxious about before I had any major problems, but now the anxiety is practically multiplied by 10 and seems uncontrollable.

These events could be anything like an exam, first day at work or just speaking to a girl I like.

Does anyone have any tips for coping?

10-31-2010, 06:48 AM
Hi Cat,

It is natural to be nervous about a change / big event. The only way I get through the anxiety in such a case is by assuring myself that I have been through this specific thing (exam, new job) dozens of times and I have always made it just fine. Nothing has ever happened that I couldn't control, so why should it now? I also picture myself in the situation and ask myself what I would do if something did go wrong. Then, if something does, it's almost "familiar" and I fall back on what I would have done when I pictured it in my mind. 99.9% of the time it is never necessary.

Beating anxiety needs baby steps - and I guess the most important thing regarding bigger events is to not confuse natural nervousness with anxiety - because if you do, you open the door for anxiety to take over.

Take care,