View Full Version : Dissociative Identity Disorder

10-30-2010, 11:02 AM
I am now deathly afraid that I have DID.

Here is the list of symptoms:

Multiple mannerisms, attitudes and beliefs that are not similar to each other
Unexplainable headaches and other body pains
Distortion or loss of subjective time
Severe memory loss
Flashbacks of abuse or trauma
Unexplainable phobias
Sudden anger without a justified cause
Lack of intimacy and personal connections
Frequent panic/anxiety attacks
Auditory hallucinations of alternate personalities (though these hallucinations typically possess a quality that makes them distinct from psychotic disorders or schizophrenia)

I don't have flashbacks, nor do I have hallucination or any phobias. But the rest....

10-30-2010, 11:08 AM
I am now deathly afraid that I have DID.

Here is the list of symptoms:

Multiple mannerisms, attitudes and beliefs that are not similar to each other
Unexplainable headaches and other body pains
Distortion or loss of subjective time
Severe memory loss
Flashbacks of abuse or trauma
Unexplainable phobias
Sudden anger without a justified cause
Lack of intimacy and personal connections
Frequent panic/anxiety attacks
Auditory hallucinations of alternate personalities (though these hallucinations typically possess a quality that makes them distinct from psychotic disorders or schizophrenia)

I don't have flashbacks, nor do I have hallucination or any phobias. But the rest....

Hey, do you have a partner? Do you feel lack of intimacy and personal connections with them?

I'm sort of going through that because of my anxiety. Things around me seem different and "up in the air" and not "solid" anymore.

10-30-2010, 11:16 AM
I am now deathly afraid that I have DID.

Here is the list of symptoms:

Multiple mannerisms, attitudes and beliefs that are not similar to each other
Unexplainable headaches and other body pains
Distortion or loss of subjective time
Severe memory loss
Flashbacks of abuse or trauma
Unexplainable phobias
Sudden anger without a justified cause
Lack of intimacy and personal connections
Frequent panic/anxiety attacks
Auditory hallucinations of alternate personalities (though these hallucinations typically possess a quality that makes them distinct from psychotic disorders or schizophrenia)

I don't have flashbacks, nor do I have hallucination or any phobias. But the rest....

Hey, do you have a partner? Do you feel lack of intimacy and personal connections with them?

I'm sort of going through that because of my anxiety. Things around me seem different and "up in the air" and not "solid" anymore.

Sometimes I feel intimacy, other times not. For a long period I never felt intimacy. Quite frankly, if I have something multiple personality disorder I feel like putting a gun to my head. But don't worry, I won't.

10-30-2010, 04:53 PM
DID is extremely rare. In fact, there is even doubt over the validity of the condition. I'm pretty confident that you don't have DID. Sounds to me like anxiety disorder. Especially considering you are concerned you have a severe Mental illness. People who fear going crazy usually do that.

10-30-2010, 08:55 PM
Yon don't have DID.
That is ridiculous, and you're doing yourself a lot of harm in beleiving so.
You have anxiety, and your ability to ressaure yourself that it is just anxiety and anxiety alone is close to zero. Which is why your looking for a disorder to explain your symptoms, because sometimes we find it hard to comprehend how the symptoms could be so when our life around is hasn't actually changed that much.
I can relate because I thought i had bipolar, i would have good days and bad, and would wait for it to get bad, and then feel better. I was a good 60-80% convinced I had bipolar.
I am far from bipolar, but my anxiety took me there. And it's not something you want to self-diagnose, because it adds to the depression.
In terms of the intimacy, it's hard to be intimate when your suffering so much from the anxiety, which is giving you depression. People with depression find it hard to be intimate not because they are not capable of doing so, but because the depressive state brings you so involved in your own mind that outside things dont have the same impact. That means, when you are depressed and anxious and you have a girlfriend who tries to comfort you, sometimes she will make you feel better, and others she wont. The worse you feel, the less you feel will intimacy.

Now, that does not mean you have a disorder. These disorders exist uncircumstantially. The problem with anxiety sufferers, is that we convince ourselves that the symptom (event) occurs without a cause - it just happens, we can not explain it. Hence, because we fail to find why it happens, our only conclusion is finding the disorder that explains its occurence. Hence, we start to fear, and slowly believe that we are actually suffering from that illness, when infact it is far from the truth.

You should see a psychologist/take meds if you feel this is getting too much for you too handle. I suffered many of the symptoms below, as a part of my belief I had bipolar, (with exception to hallucinations, flashbacks, or phobias). Now that I feel much better, I have almost none of those symptoms. If i had the DISORDER, these symptoms would be recurring. The fact that you do not have hallucinations, or alternate personalities, are the major symptoms that will place you in the disorder. In which case, you wouldn't really realise you were having them, as you wouldt believe these thoughts, and not fear them, they would just be.

So you need to do some serious self-reassurance here that you are not suffering frmo any sever disorder, rather luucky for you, you are suffering from anxiety. Once you resolve the main anxiety issues, I am sure that the majority of these smptoms will subside in time. It does take a reasonable amount of time though.

Take care of yourself

10-30-2010, 10:04 PM
You need to take a deep breath there Eraser.

Sometimes a single weird thought combined with something we read on google can make us believe we are done for. Stop googling!

It's a viscious circle.. weird thought - anxiety - google - finding symptoms - more anxiety - google - believing you have some godawful disorder - anxiety gets out of control.

Good luck,