View Full Version : CBT - HELP PLEASE

10-30-2010, 10:59 AM
I honest to God thought that my anxiety left me 2 weeks ago. I felt like my old self and was happy again with everything in my life. This past monday however, OUT OF NOWHERE, a rush of anxiety came out of nowhere...I panicked for a minute or 2 then assured myself I wasn't going to go down that road again.

I calmed down but ever since then it's been at the back of my head and slowly creeping in until last night I started from square 1 again with full blown anxiety.

Weird dreams that creeped me out and stregthened the anxiety, woke up during the night several times and just generally felt like shit.

Please, I need some help. I need to learn some CBT exercises because it's ruining everything around me.

I feel weird around my family, friends and girlfriend and the fact that I feel weird around them just makes the anxiety worse which is then accompanied by depression.

I just need help and I refuse to tak medication as I'm a firm believer I can conquer it without meds just need to learn the techniques.

Are psychiatrists/psychologists expensive? I'm a student so I have very very low funds and I can't afford one most likley so what do I do?

How do I get my life back???? :( :( :( :(

11-03-2010, 06:46 PM
I honest to God thought that my anxiety left me 2 weeks ago. I felt like my old self and was happy again with everything in my life. This past monday however, OUT OF NOWHERE, a rush of anxiety came out of nowhere...I panicked for a minute or 2 then assured myself I wasn't going to go down that road again.

I calmed down but ever since then it's been at the back of my head and slowly creeping in until last night I started from square 1 again with full blown anxiety.

Weird dreams that creeped me out and stregthened the anxiety, woke up during the night several times and just generally felt like shit.

Please, I need some help. I need to learn some CBT exercises because it's ruining everything around me.

I feel weird around my family, friends and girlfriend and the fact that I feel weird around them just makes the anxiety worse which is then accompanied by depression.

I just need help and I refuse to tak medication as I'm a firm believer I can conquer it without meds just need to learn the techniques.

Are psychiatrists/psychologists expensive? I'm a student so I have very very low funds and I can't afford one most likley so what do I do?

How do I get my life back???? :( :( :( :(

Hey there,

So sorry to hear that you've been suffering.

The thing that really helped me/is helping me is I went to my doctors and explained everything to them and they said that they have an in house counsellor / CBT worker. I got an appointment with her and had regular appointments then on and as each appointment went on I felt myself getting better. Even though I'm not a 100% better yet, I feel a heck of a lot better than I did when I first went in. And may I add that, I felt like you too, I felt like I would try and have a go at conquering this without meds first, and I haven't been on them yet! So I would try going to your local doctors, explaining how you're feeling and ask them if they have someone there or if they can refer you to someone who does CBT.

I hope this helps and I wish you good luck and hope you feel better soon!


11-03-2010, 06:55 PM

First off tell me your story and i shall see if i can help you .

CBT is not a quick fix but is better than tablets.

So what you can tell me is what started it and what is stressing you out including what ever symptoms may be doing this .

We can work from there . I recovered in most parts so i know you can also if you work on it .

cheers kev :D

11-03-2010, 09:46 PM

First off tell me your story and i shall see if i can help you .

CBT is not a quick fix but is better than tablets.

So what you can tell me is what started it and what is stressing you out including what ever symptoms may be doing this .

We can work from there . I recovered in most parts so i know you can also if you work on it .

cheers kev :D

Well the relationship anxiety thread on this page is the core of it but I'm assuming anxiety symptoms are all the same.

My problem is I'm reliving the horrible past and now I'm afraid of it happening again, I'm afraid I'll lose what I have (my gf) when I know I don't want to.

The physical anxiety is almost constantly present and when i'm calm, I'm not actually calm, it's like i'm anticipating another anxiety attack, like my mind is saying "oh no, i'm just giving you a break for a bit, i'll be back in a while".

It's a never ending cycle and you can never quite feel like yourself :|

For the moment I'm calm. I feel relatively content, not happy, not sad just sort of meh. Who knows how long this will last though lol

11-03-2010, 10:04 PM

I can relate to feeling better then back to square 1...we all have our off days but most days are bad. I have eve tried waking up saying "today is a new beautiful day and everything is awesome,I am a healthy individual" but nope,anxiety rears it's ugly head...ugghh arrgg

I also don't take meds..

If you ever want to chat let me know.

11-04-2010, 02:24 AM
Just wanted to comment, yep CBT isnt a quick fix, but i am also against taking medication. While CBT isnt quick, in the long run it will teach you how to handle your anxiety in the future instead of just supressing it with medicine ya know? Im doing CBT w/o medicine and i think that is a much better idea :)