View Full Version : um...

07-19-2006, 12:29 AM
I'm new here and I think I may have social anxiety. I will do anything to avoid being in situations with other people, but when I do and try to talk to people my voice gets shaky and I have trouble breathing. In addition to that a few months ago I think I had a panic attack in school...I started to get dizzy and my heart was pounding and my breath was short and I was shaking and I was so completely scared out of my mind that to make matters worse I then started crying which then resulted in a teacher asking me what was wrong. That made me even more nervous especially since he would not leave me alone until I gave him an answer. I didn't know what to say because I didn't know what was wrong so a made up an excuse that had nothing to do with it (and was really stupid). Now I cannot go near where that happened (or near the teacher) without getting really nervous. To top that off I'm still too afraid to talk to anybody and I feel that I should tell someone but nerves getting to me and I can't find the guts to tell anyone. I have never talked to a doctor or even anyone in my family about this and cannot bear the idea of doing so. Next year I have a class with the teacher and just the thought of going anywhere near his classroom gets me worked up. Any suggestions on how to calm down and deal with this? All advise is appreciated.

07-20-2006, 05:54 AM
The best cure for anxiety is simply exercise. Ive played a few football matches these past few days and I havnt felt better since last year (before i got anxiety)

PS; Try avoid alcahol & drugs which kind of mess your head up a bit ;)