10-30-2010, 09:30 AM
Hi everyone,

I used to have terrible anxiety, I had detoxed off valium, and it lasted for 18 months.

But anyway, I stumbled across this a few weeks ago, and it has really helped me, because although I haven't had anxiety for years now, not at the level that you guys are experiencing it, I still had subconcious fears, and almost everyone has those.


imagine a tube going into the R-complex in your brain,which is at the centre (google R-complex) and sucking all the fear out, as well as any other unpleasant emotion, sadness, grief, anger, discomfort, shame etc,

GOOGLE THIS :- 'how to remove your ego and all fear forever' - it's where i found this, a brilliant thread!

I have been doing this for a while now, and it is starting to really work.
It also shows you how to get rid of all the gunk at the back of your amygdalas, they are walnut shaped, located an inch in from your temples, and you put a tube at the back of each one, and do the suction thing, like with the R-complex, and then also imagine a feather tickling the front of each one.this builds up more connections in your frontal lobes,where imagination, logic, intuition, creativity, and generally more intellect are stored.

I don't know what it would be like to try this with the crippling anxiety you are going through, but all i can say is that having been there i would have tried anything to rid myself of it.

One positive i gained from that experience, was that i got a determination that i would get as far away from that as i possibly could, and it has propelled me on a journey of deeper self awareness, and self acceptance, and it just never ends which is brilliant.

So give this a try, what have you got to lose? it may just change your life.

P.s don't force this visulisation just relax into it. let me know how you get on.

11-04-2010, 11:31 AM
Hi again, I know this sounds too good to be true, but it really does work!

just give it a try!

11-09-2010, 07:38 AM
Go on give it a try! It may change your life!