View Full Version : FRUSTRATED!

10-29-2010, 04:02 PM
Hi... I have panic disorder now with moderate agorophobia. I had the same thing about 8 years ago, but at that time I did some "soul-searching" and found breathing techniques and ways to control my thoughts to get over it. Now it has come back out of the blue, and I feel like everything I had built up within to be strong has shattered. I feel SO lost... Doctor has prescribed anti-depressants with sedatives to take as needed. Not a big believer in prescription drugs, but I do acknowledge needing additional support to feel better and get to a point where I can handle things in a more holistic, natural way.
Does anyone feel like yelling WTF?! I find anxiety so frustrating... It makes no sense why this is happening, and nothing happened to bring it on. I have a beautiful family and great support... just feeling down that I have become so weak and allow this to control me...
Any suggestions? :o

10-29-2010, 07:45 PM
Hang in there. And please don't refer to yourself as weak. This is a common problem that happens to more people then care to admit. You have the strength and the courage to face it and eventually beat it!

Think of the many people out there that suffer in silence and never seek out treatment.

I was once one of those people, but came to a point were I knew I couldn't handle it alone anymore, so I had to see somebody. Like you, I didnt want to have to take the meds, but later learned they did help me clear my head to get to another phase where I could deal with the anxiety holistically and in a way I was comfortable with.

Coming here is also a great way to get help. Get keep believing you will beat this. Thoughts become things, so choose the good ones.
