View Full Version : Yoga and meditation

10-29-2010, 02:46 PM
Does this work for anyone else?

I found a yoga teacher whom I absolutely love, which is actually almost as important as finding a connection to a therapist. You must find the style of yoga and the teacher that fits you best. I got about three times a week (the class is donation based) and I feel much stronger, emotionally and physically.

I also started going to the park and meditating. At first, I was judging myself and worrying about why I didn't want to be home, but eventually I was able to let those thoughts go (with the practice of yoga and meditation) and now I realize that there is nothing wrong with doing what makes me happy/calm. Because I have not yet mastered being able to silence my thoughts without the yoga, I have been listening to guided meditation and affirmations by Kelly Howell.

This post doesn't really have a point other than to suggest yoga, meditation, and Kelly Howell to you all. I know a lot of people aren't into "new age crap", but I don't think of it that way and I hope all of you will try this out!


10-29-2010, 03:04 PM
Also, I'm not someone with minimal anxiety. I take celexa, but that just gives me vivid nightmares and makes me feel like I'm not myself.

I'm not 100% yet, but I'm feeling much better and my nightmares and night time panic attacks are gone:)

10-30-2010, 02:49 AM
HI somaesthesia

I could not agree with you more

Meditation was one of the biggest keys to my recovery .

But there is one thing i would disagree with is the saying NEW AGE CRAP .

Its not directed at you but i find it hard how something that has been in use for 1000s of years can be new age crap .

If anything i would have said that taking a pill and expecting it to change your life for the better and make you forget all your problems was nothing more than new age crap ;)

Keep up you work you will learn to love it over time .

cheers kev :D

10-30-2010, 10:22 AM
what kind of meditation are you doing?

You got any links?

10-30-2010, 12:59 PM
Hi there,

I haven't tried meditation but I have my own version of it - taking time before work and before bed to myself, just calming myself (even if I am calm) and basically reaffirming the good in my life and so on.

It has worked like a charm.


10-30-2010, 02:03 PM
It all depends on the induvidual

Yoga actually made me worse, i think the deep relaxation made me think a little too much and i had problems for days afterwards

For me getting fustration out is the key, the opposite to meditation.

believe it or not taking up boxing lessons has made a big difference!! :?

11-01-2010, 09:41 PM
HI somaesthesia

I could not agree with you more

Meditation was one of the biggest keys to my recovery .

But there is one thing i would disagree with is the saying NEW AGE CRAP .

Its not directed at you but i find it hard how something that has been in use for 1000s of years can be new age crap .

If anything i would have said that taking a pill and expecting it to change your life for the better and make you forget all your problems was nothing more than new age crap ;)

Keep up you work you will learn to love it over time .

cheers kev :D

I definitely agree! It just gets tiring hearing people say that, so I thought I would say it before anyone else did, but with quotes :]

11-01-2010, 10:08 PM
what kind of meditation are you doing?

You got any links?

Active meditation (yoga) and I really enjoy guided meditation by Kelly Howell. She has an extremely soothing voice. Some of them are like mental holidays (fantasy meditation), which use visualization.

Two of my favorites are "Healing Meditation", which uses visualization, and "The Secret Meditation", which uses positive affirmations. It's all quite nice!

When I'm not doing yoga or guided meditation, though, and I begin to feel anxious (or just want a break), I focus on breathing or go to the park and focus on what's around me, which I think could be considered a form of meditating.

11-01-2010, 10:48 PM
Gaiam has an AM/PM Stretch DVD which I use as a relaxer (only the PM part) and precursor to getting into yoga as I'm not so fit right now. I really like it. The AM side is meant to wake you up, but in spite of being not skinny, my bony thighs don't like me lying on my side for the AM set's exercises. The PM set gradually slows down and gets you relaxed for night time. :)