View Full Version : Chest Pains Scaring me To Death!

10-29-2010, 09:49 AM
Hey all I posted here before but forgot my accunt info, so I am back again lol. My other post was really long so I will make this short. I been dealing with GAD for almost three yrs now, I have had problems with my chest,stomach,head etc,,and had pretty much every test u can think of. For the past year I have have chest pains on and off, sometimes lasting all day and everyday. Then sometimes it goes away for a few weeks and comes back.

I been to my doctor many times for this, it is in the upper part of my left chest just right above the nipple. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes a sharp pain will come. Sometimes my chest feels numb, also my whole left arm all the way down to my leg. This scares the hell out of me, thinking I am going to have a heart attack at any moment of the day and makes me worry more. I checked my heart rate so muc that I broke my blood pressure machine.

In the past year I have taken many tests for the heart 3 ekgs, echo gram,stress test and another echo before the stress test. They all came back fine, matter of fact after the stress test the Dr. told me my heart looks beaufiful. After that I felt better and the chest pains went away for awhile, but now they are back. I used to work out with heavy weights up until a few weeks ago, some people have told me the pains maybe a pinch nerve or I messed up a pec muscle in my chest from using the weights, also from the high axienty I feel some days.

I have not have any of that checked yet because I really really tired of doctors and test. But I still feel I may have heart trouble and could die at any moment, even on lexapro I still feel this way. Like maybe the Dr's missed something or now it came on or that I will cause myself heart trouble from worrying so much.

So am I right or wrong in my thinking, could I have heart trouble, is it something else or is it just this devil known as axienty. No one else seems to have answers, so maybe any of you guys who share the samething as me can help outy some. :)

10-29-2010, 10:25 AM
Since you got the all clear from the heart doc, then it's anxiety. Well, I guess it could be muscle realted also.
I actually had to leave work several times and go to the Doc because of chest pains and everytime they told me I was having a panic attack.
I had echo, non stress, several ekg's, holter, the works, my pains are still off and on, more so when I am focused on them though.

10-29-2010, 10:35 AM
Yeah same here, I am on leave from work right now due to all of this. I have gotten cleared on my test but in my mind still think there is something wrong with my heart. My doctor pretty much said that he can not give me anymore test unless its a dire emergency. The pain mostly is in the upper left hand side right where the breast is located. The numbness in my arm and leg had me worried too, but again all the test I took checked out fine. My heart seems to beat fast sometimes, though I am in a constant state of axienty most of the time.

I went through this bout yr and a half ago and then it went away, then I had issues with my stomach thinking I had colon cancer and went to dr's and had test done for that. This just came back last nov and been on off since. I do have IBS also due to the axinety and have a lot of gas, the IBS info I have says that gas pains can mimic that of a heart attack.

10-29-2010, 06:22 PM
Also was able to workout with weights fine and do about 30-40 mintues on the tredmill.

10-30-2010, 11:40 AM

Hello,I am a 27/f and can totally relate! I am ALWAYS up tight,nervous. Its affecting our family to a small extent because we can not take our son anywhere in fear I will freak out!

I too have had all the heart test and they came out great!! BUT if I get real jumpy,even if a phone rings I feel I will just fall over and die of a heart attack

10-31-2010, 09:04 PM
Same here I tend to jump at every little thing these days, it is awful when you have to live your life in fear almost everyday. It helps to tell yourself that your going to be ok over and over again, after all the test I took I guess my heart is fin