View Full Version : Breathing

10-28-2010, 06:18 AM
OMW, I just nearly lost my mind at work.

I have been doing so well for nearly three weeks and apart from a touch of claustrophobia I am moving forward.

However, I just went downstairs to get approval on a travel claim and the guy who helped me is either sick, or he has a problem with his breathing in general because the entire time it sounded like he was having an asthma attack.. he can only say a few words and then takes these breaths that sounds like he is battling his backside off to get some air into his lungs.

It completely freaked me out - no panic or anxiety attack, but MAN, I just had to get out of there ASAP. I could feel my lungs closing up on his behalf. Gosh, it must be awful!!

This after I HAD to attend a meeting this morning in a concert hall located in the basement of one of our university buildings. No windows. No fresh air. Loads of people. *Breathe in, breathe out.*

I made it ok though, it only lasted an hour and I didn't freak out.

Anyway, all is under control. Just wanted to share this.


10-28-2010, 08:03 AM
hahaha im sorry i've had the same thing.

Once i served someone with MASSIVe emphysema, and the breathing was just TORTURRE. listening to them wheeze in and out, i was like AAAAAHH get OUT OF MY STORE.
Almost put me into panic. Started concentrating on my breathing and everything.
Anyway, i know how you feel, just acknowledge that you freaked out and move on. It happens

10-28-2010, 11:27 AM
I think that even minus any anxiety whatsoever, anyone would be freaked out. I felt so sorry for him.

Proud of myself for not going into a flat panic.

You too, happy weekend!


11-03-2010, 03:09 PM
OMG THIS just happened to me at the post office yesterday with a man behind me and I though of your post!!

11-03-2010, 03:20 PM
That has to be torture, to fight for every breath!! So terrible! :(

That reminds me. Is anyone else crazy enough to feel a sore throat coming on just minutes standing anywhere near somebody with a cold??! I know the germs can't pounce THAT fast, but I could swear I feel it coming on within moments practically. The power if the mind!!