View Full Version : tv and phone playing tricks on my vision

10-28-2010, 02:30 AM
This might sound weird but I was looking at my phone and a saw 3d commercial cane on and I looked up at and looked back down at my phone and I looked back up at the tv and it seemed weird for a spilt second it looked like a cartoon and completely irrelevant to the commercial and I started to have a mini panic attack thinking that I was hallucinating it was like disconnected array of thoughts for split second is this a normal thing its dark in this room with just a little light and its late and i am very tired [/u]

10-28-2010, 07:59 AM
listen buddy you're anxiety is severe right now. I can tell because when mine was really bad, I would have very similar sensations. Perceptual hiccups, and other weird things. When I was at work, when i had those 'omg I'm losing my mind' moments, my eyes would dart and jiggle extremely fast from left to right for about 1.5 seconds and I had to tell myself to breathe. It felt like my brain was having a siezure. It was quite traumatizing when it happened, because it contributed to me thinking I was going crazy.

While the anxiety is bad, it does not mean you are on a stepping stone to going crazy. You may have even more weird sensations like these. And they will scare you. But you will wake up, and be exactly as you were yesterday.

You need to stop buying into these sensations. They are scary, but once the anxiety subsides, so will these wierd experiences. You're far from going crazy, I promise you. I can tell you this because I can relate very well to what you're going through, and have experienced very similar, and more severe sensations.

I'm here today to reinforce that I'm here, as sane as you can get, when I have gone through exactly what you're going through.

Shit's tough man, no doubt. Get good rest, being tired and stressed adds MASSIVELY to these visual hiccups.

Take care