View Full Version : bizarre what if thoughts

10-27-2010, 04:26 PM
I've been having these bizarre thoughts like what if o start thinking people can hear my thoughts what if I start to hear voices what if I start to think the goverment and people are after me I don't actually believe them the fear of me having them is horrible is this normal

10-27-2010, 05:33 PM
I get the "what if I start to hear voices?" fear, along with a few other irrational fears like "am I posessed?" or, "did someone put a curse on me?". Over time I developed the ability to tune them out, and recognise them for what they are: figments of my overactive imagination. In the meantime, I'd recommend a hobby to pull yourself out of your own mind, possibly channeling that imagination into a more enriching task, like writing, painting, drawing, sculpting ect. anything to keep your brain occupied. Good luck.

10-27-2010, 07:06 PM
You have to learn how to interrupt the what if pattern...how to stop engaging in what if loops.

10-27-2010, 07:10 PM
Today I was doing my hair looking in the morrior and I thought, "Would if I am seeing things and that's not really how I did my hair?" I panicked for a second and then told myself, that was just a thought, I know excatly what's happening right now and I am NOT seeing things.

10-27-2010, 10:16 PM
I read on an ocd forum that since I fear of having schizophrenia that I'm going to dwell on the symptoms its like I read something that a crazy person did and my mind starts racing thinking that I could do that this might sound dumb but dale gribble from king of the hill made me think what if I think the government is after me because paranoia is a symptom of schizophrenia and fear that people are going to hurt me and the fear of hearing voices and all that Ive read a million times that people with schizophrenia don't know they have and all that and it offers some relief for a second then I start thinking what if its just the beginning signs of it my therapist that used to work with schizophrenics assures me that I don't have the illness then anxiety kicks in and I start to what if she's is trying to make me worse I don't actually believe that she is but the thought of me thinking that is horrible its like I feel like there is no hope for me

10-28-2010, 06:19 PM
are you ever going to begin interrupting these what if patterns?

10-29-2010, 08:47 AM
These past 3 days I have been completely overrun by fear I feel like I'm losing touch with reality and feel like I'm 2 steps away from the nut house I wake up in fear and go to sleep with it I feel like I can't think my heart beats a million miles a minute my anxiety has never been this bad I feel like I'm having a panic attack all day long I feel nauseous like I'm going to puke and my thoughts don't make sense I'm really scared I haven't been eating well last night was the only night this week that I have had an decent amount of rest it feels like I'm going crazy

10-30-2010, 09:33 AM
Hey Boxer. This can be a yes or no answer, you don't have to get into specifics, or details if the answer is yes. Is there anything going on in your life right now?? Something that woulf bother most people, but you don't really think is bothering you?? Someone pass away recently?? Break ups? ect... Also How long have you been dealing with anxiety in this form???

I have had all the same fears your talking about, to an OCD level. I remember being very skeptical about my first therapist. Wondering if they were just making my condition worse. If I had a paranoid thought, would wonder if it was a schitzophrenia thing. I been there, sometimes it visits me, but I know where to put it now. The Fact that unmedicated people with schitzophrenia don't actually ever get scared of schitzohprenia, rather they expereince the anxiety coming from the delusions. Us, we expereience the anxiety from a thought we have, and then we think "well, what does it mean that we have that thought?" Could that mean I'm Schitzophrenic?? That's when our anxiety starts popping up. Or If you had a paranoid thought or a similar symptom of schitzophrenia, then it almost become believable that maybe you believed the thought for a little while, your not sure if you didn't beleive, or for the simple fact that you beleived it for a second, well what does that mean??

Everyone has these thoughts, it's the truth. They just don't question them. Some poeple are paranoid, and even act on thier paranoia at a minor level. They are completly normal, mentaly healthy individuals. Paranoia is common, and people wouldn't be normal if they didn't expereience it to some level. I know this may not be what you are dealing with but, but everything we fear goes in the same rhelm. Most people don't fear mental illness, but they do expereince symptoms that could be linked to mental illness, but they don't think about it that way. We do...

One more thing... Don't link intrusive thoughts, into the form of schtzophrenia. You might have an intrusive thought that someone could hurt you. Could being the operative word, because somewhere in your being you know that it's not really possible. Then you'll link that to a potential pychosis or something similar. Then you'll start on a fear of that.

10-30-2010, 07:47 PM
These past 3 days I have been completely overrun by fear I feel like I'm losing touch with reality and feel like I'm 2 steps away from the nut house I wake up in fear and go to sleep with it I feel like I can't think my heart beats a million miles a minute my anxiety has never been this bad I feel like I'm having a panic attack all day long I feel nauseous like I'm going to puke and my thoughts don't make sense I'm really scared I haven't been eating well last night was the only night this week that I have had an decent amount of rest it feels like I'm going crazy

one way that can help is to go train really, really hard. Give that a go... just to get you out of that state.

11-06-2010, 10:12 AM
What if thoughts are usually the result of a very active but bored mind. You should probably become more active in anything else. Watch something, read something, play something. But make sure it's something useful, or else you'll become depressed because of wasting time.
You could also try some qigong to calm down.