View Full Version : Feeling light headed

10-27-2010, 02:20 PM
I've had a light headed feeling for the past 5 days.

Basically I've been having bowel problems for the past couple years, about a month ago it started making me panic. After a week or so of panicking I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with IBS, that relieved me and was able to have a normal couple weeks.

Then on Saturday I woke up with a stomach ache, something that I don't remember ever happening before so I started to panic. Later that night I started feeling light headed, like I'm in a dream or something and that has persisted for the past 5 days.

I know this is one of the many anxiety symptoms and it makes sense because it happened when I was worrying about something, it's just weird because I'm no longer worried about my stomach but the anxiety/light headed feeling is still there.

I have had this feeling before but thought energy drinks were the cause, when I stopped drinking them I felt better.