View Full Version : feeling off?

10-27-2010, 11:35 AM
just wondering has anyone ever experience a entire week or more of just feeling off. not really depersonalization but more of a sluggish feeling. constantly? i have been feeling this way all week and its not a sleep issue because i do alot of that.... its making me anxious. like my time is limited and i just a battery slowly wiring down! also frustration is another BIG issue with me. i get frustrated at my kids very easily. my 2 year olds just starting her terrible twos :( i tend to get pissed at my 6 year old she has adhd and EVERYTHING with her is a struggle... i feel like i am getting worse instead of better..... :?

10-27-2010, 07:08 PM
I always feel like I could sleep for days although I get enough sleep. I am fast to get frustrated with my kids also, and also feel like I am going backward. It's very depressing. :|

10-28-2010, 08:11 AM
you mum's tend to work harder than you can handle.
i suggest allocating a YOU time, without anyone or with someone if thats what is tranquil to you. maybe a bath... with a couple bottles of wine.. jokes.
just find something relaxing, even if its half an hour, listening to your favourite album, telling the kids you're heaps stressed and need them to leave you alone for a little bit (calmly) - e.g. buy them a tub of icecream big enough to last them thirty minutes while you lock yourself in the bathroom.
anyway i think sometimes you gals just need a break. generalyl speaking you work too hard.

10-28-2010, 09:48 AM
Thanks for giving us credit :D
Just this past session with my therapist she asked what I do that actually makes me happy. My response? After thinking and thinking, all I came up with was cleaning. She was trying to show me that I give and give and do nothing for myself. I don't want to sound selfish ro anything, but maybe I do need time to sit and think, or write or read or walk...anything. Maybe it will help me to relax a bit.

10-28-2010, 01:18 PM
Howdy Ladies

I have to agree with lawandorder You ladies need to learn to take time for yourselves and stop trying to keep everything in check .

It is not just with anxiety but it sure has to be a major factor and most likely why anxiety effects more women than man .

Males have a habit and a good one at time ( even though i am sure my wife would not agree :lol:) of being able to tune out to things , I know people can talk to me at times and i am in wonder land . This is something i lost when my anxiety was really bad and something that is coming back as i get better and better .

You need to find this self time. Next time the kids are outside playing then don't worry about all the jobs you should be doing , sit down and relax with a cuppa or have a breather .

I think that in this day and age we have lost self time . We please everyone else first and leave ourselves till last and then we wonder why it is that we are stressed .

You also have to look at your thinking . My wife when i say to her why don't you do this or that to relax ? , will often say "Oh but i don't have the time " Well who made that choose ??? You need to find the time .

I talk about meditation being one of the major keys to my recovery and believe it is for all of us . Meditation for 20 mins in a deep state is the same as 4 hours sleep . It is also not about being a hippy .The key in it is clearing your mind and taking that time for yourself . Meditation also make you think more but makes you see things clearly instead of confusing as your thinking is when stressed .

Meditation comes in many forms and can include things such as sitting down in a quite spot and having a cup of tea , Quietly sitting listening to music , to walk around your garden smelling the flowers .

So next time you think about it stop telling yourself that you just cant find the time , that you are to busy , that there is to much to do . 20 minutes of me time a day will make you feel better and then with the time you have left you can do more .

And give those kids credit they know when mum is pissed off and cranky and if you ask to be left alone for 5 minutes they will because they will learn that mum will be more happy after . My two girls know most times when to leave me alone for 5 minutes .

cheers kev :D