View Full Version : Is there any supplments I can take to eae anxiety?

10-27-2010, 10:40 AM
Hi all, this is my first time on this forum so heres my situation. I was diagnosed with panic disorder and anxiety about a year ago now. My panic attacks went away for a few months but have crept back in. 2 weeks ago from now I was feeling weird, i was experiencing what i believe to be de-realization, I was not feeling my self at all, this was scarying me to death, going on the internet made me worse. Now i thinks its slowly going I'm starting to snap out of it, see i had spells for about 6 hours, and they were intense, but now i get shorter spells less intense and i am starting to feel better each day.

I went to the doctors about this as i was breaking down in front of my mum cause i thought this was the onset to insanity. It was depressing me to bits, eventually we went to the doctors and they did tests on me and in the end agreed it was anxiety. I am now taking calcium and magnesium, (which really helps) and B vitamins. Now i know nothing in a bottle is going to cure what I'm going through but is there anything else that can ease this? I think my problem is even though im not having attacks I'm constantly anxious and thinking to myself, do i feel alright today? Its really a pain and just would like some advice on what other natural herbs or something can help me.

I'm 17 male, and basically just want my life back. Its getting easier and I'm getting a lot more confident. But rather than describing as derealization i think a better word is mind fog, its not as intense but definitely don't feel "with it". If theres anyone here who has beat this feeling please share. It will boost my confidence for sure. Thanks guys. :)

10-27-2010, 11:24 AM
Hey, since research on supplements for anxiety isn't super conclusive, I hope no one picks on my answer... But I was looking for something to ease my anxiety at night and bought some valerian root. I took it last night at around 9pm, feeling very skeptical of whether it would work, but it seemed to have done it's job. I didn't have a panic attack and I slept throught the night, which is very rare for me nowadays.

Another thing I have tried is kava. It's a tea that tastes a little bit like dirt, but it calms me down so much that the dirt taste doesn't bother me at all. The first time I had it, a friend had brought it back from Figi. Then, my ex boyfriend got me some from a health food store in Berkeley. The kind I had at first you had to mix yourself. Recently, I bought some Yogi tea kava, and while the taste was somewhat familiar, it wasn't nearly as calming. It may work for you though? It seems to help a lot of people.

Good luck!

10-27-2010, 01:50 PM
Hey, since research on supplements for anxiety isn't super conclusive, I hope no one picks on my answer... But I was looking for something to ease my anxiety at night and bought some valerian root. I took it last night at around 9pm, feeling very skeptical of whether it would work, but it seemed to have done it's job. I didn't have a panic attack and I slept throught the night, which is very rare for me nowadays.

Another thing I have tried is kava. It's a tea that tastes a little bit like dirt, but it calms me down so much that the dirt taste doesn't bother me at all. The first time I had it, a friend had brought it back from Figi. Then, my ex boyfriend got me some from a health food store in Berkeley. The kind I had at first you had to mix yourself. Recently, I bought some Yogi tea kava, and while the taste was somewhat familiar, it wasn't nearly as calming. It may work for you though? It seems to help a lot of people.

Good luck!

Hi thanks for your reply :). Yeah i Am getting some velerian root tommorrow. I have read into that and it sounds good. The kava kava sounds good but isnt it illegal in the uk?

10-27-2010, 02:42 PM
Oh, I'm not sure. I live in California, so you'll have to look into that.