View Full Version : Anxiety and kundalini syndrome

10-27-2010, 07:54 AM
Read up on Kundalini Syndrome (can't post any links yet)

I could find nothing about this subject here on this forum. While I know that I am at risk of freaking others out by posting this, it is simply so strikingly similar to what I experience that I couldn't stand being alone with it. Every time my mind is put somewhat to rest, that what I am experiencing is just anxiety... something like this hits me.

Symptoms include, but not limited to:
- cranial pressure
- perception of inner sounds or lights
- vibrating or tickling sensations
- rapid heart rate
- changes in breathing
- sensations of heat or cold moving through the body
- localized bodily pain that starts and stops abruptly
- fear
- anxiety
- depersonalization
- experiencing oneself as larger than the physical body
- feelings of electricity flowing through body
- spontaneous slowing or speeding of thoughts

While I have had many of these symptoms (and more) for as long as I can remember, they increased immensely after I experienced a panic attack so immense words cannot describe.

10-27-2010, 09:10 AM
That sounds like anxiety, no?

Google is the enemy! Hahah

10-27-2010, 09:45 AM
Another one of those things that sounds like anxiety.

As I always say, google nothing!