View Full Version : why cant i shake this fear of schziophrenia

10-26-2010, 10:35 PM
I woke up this morning and thought random words like grandma is she hot and mall the were very clear and I started thinking that there were hallucinations and all throughout the day I thought of the words and tried to concentrate on them to see if I can make them as clear as they were this morning and I was really close to having a panic attack because o thought at any moment I was going to start hearing things and start thinking the bizarre thoughts were real [/u]

10-26-2010, 10:47 PM
Sorry that this isn't very well written its just really hard to explain this I think of a word and then start to think that I didn't think it that it was a hallucination

10-26-2010, 10:59 PM
I do that too:[ The other night, I was half asleep (I think/hope) and in my head I heard "Christine, Christine, Christine". It was super clear and I freaked out and had a panic attack. The thing is, though, if you were schizophrenic, you wouldn't be worried about being schizophrenic. You would be far more concerned with what the voices were saying, rather than giving yourself panic attacks about whether you heard them or not. My suggestion, although I know this is easier said than done, is do not wait to hear voices. If you focus on, say, waiting to hear the word "muppet", because you thought you heard it earlier, your brain will probably say the word. It's like telling yourself not to think of a purple elephant. What are you thinking about now? Purple elephants?

I KNOW it really sucks. I'm not afraid of death. I find incurable diseases and disorders much more frightening. Seriously though, the fact that you are worrying about it at all says that you aren't schizophrenic. Have you talked about this with a therapist?

10-27-2010, 07:17 AM
hey boxer i understand completely what your going through. I get the exact same things in the morning when I wake up, I get weird thoughts that don't make sense, and disconnected stories in my mind that dont make sense, and the most random things you can imagine.
what you gotta understand is that these thoughts happened before your anxiety came about, and now that your watching your thoughts and you fear schizo, anything random of sorts triggers the anxiety.
My anxiety is much much better, and still in the morning, I sometimes question myself STILL about the schizophrenia stuff. It's the one thing that hasn't gone away.
I've tried to manage this by indulging in the thoughts a little bit. It only happens in our semi dream state, when we are waking up, and then theres some residual effects after we awaken. As long as you have bad anxiety, you'll keep getting worked up about these thoughts.
Over time you'll realise that these thoughts occur more often than you knew, and not because your anxiety condition is leading to schizophrenia, but because it's a normal thing that everyone does. It's just a matter of how you react to them.
The mind likes to imagine things, thats normal, but unfortunately our anxiety has linked imagination to a mental disorder, because that is what we fear.
Just concsiously tell yourself that what you are thinking is normal, no matter how weird they are. You'll then become better at accepting the crazy thoughts that come into your head.
In the middle of the night, when i had bad anxiety, i have awoken to someone saying my name, very clear. This has happened twice, and happened about 6 months- a year ago. No one was around.
I don't have schizo, nor is there any evidence that I am heading in that direction. I don't know why it happened, but honestly, my mental health is just as good as it's ever been now.
Try not to get so worked up about it, keep working on your self-talk, it will get stronger.

10-27-2010, 09:48 AM
Its interesting that people have this fear, its strange how different people get stuck on different things!

Remember though, people with schizophrenia dont know theres anything wrong, they think everything is normal and ok and what they experiencing is fine. Its also usually a teen on set thing, it doesnt just come along.

Everyone has weird thoughts from time to time, it doesnt mean a thing!